
Changes to the Single Data List from April 2020

Updated 6 March 2025

Applies to England

Changes to the Single Data List: 2022-23


Data collection SDL ref
Capital Outturn Return (COR) Local Authority Trading companies 273-00
Domestic Abuse Tier 1 Safe Accommodation 274-00
Adult Social Care Client Level Data (CLD) 275-00
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) 276-00


Data collection SDL ref
Revenue Outturn (RO)
Addition of small number of additional data items and identifying spend on agency staff by broad service grouping
Capital Outturn Return (COR) Financing
Authorities are being asked to provide details of the grants used to finance capital expenditure
Capital Payments and Receipts (CPR1 to CPR 4)
Authorities are asked to give an updated forecast of capital finance requirement on a quarterly basis; they are also being asked to provide more information on HRA and non-HRA expenditure
Quarterly Revenue Outturn (QRO)
Addition of Housing Revenue Account items
Children’s Social Care Work Workforce 091-00
Local Authority Housing Statistics
1. Alteration to the DELTA format for question f2daa (installation of renewable technologies to bring it in line with the format present in the bulk upload form)
2. Addition of questions to Section E (vacants)
a. Vacant dwellings temporarily unavailable for letting/permanently unavailable for letting (change to existing question)
b. Vacant dwellings by bedroom size with availability for letting breakdown (voluntary)
c. Vacant shared accommodation with availability for letting breakdown (voluntary)
3. Section K becoming mandatory


Data topics SDL ref
Food Hygiene (LA food law enforcement monitoring return) 190-03
Food Standards (LA food law enforcement monitoring 191-03


Data collection SDL ref
Alcohol and Late Night Refreshment Licensing
A public consultation on alcohol and late night refreshment licensing statistics was held in October 2018, and in response data are now collected from licensing authorities (LAs) every other year using a reduced questionnaire

Changes to the Single Data List: 2021-22


Data collection SDL ref
Exit payments 272-00


Data collection SDL ref
Taxi Survey entry amended to reflect survey changes agreed and made in 2020 (new data topic 125-07 General Policies and title of 125-01 amended) 125-00
H-CLIC data specification updated to include new gender identity field 268-00
Local Authority Housing Statistics: Number of changes - removal of items, one for one replacements to reflect change in policy, adding new options to existing questions to cover First Homes, asking financial figures in pounds across all question, adding two yes/no questions, restructuring two questions into one). Introduction of a new voluntary section on net affordable housing. 252-00


Data collection SDL ref
Newly Qualified Teachers - Induction Return 200-00
Imported Foods (LAEMS): This data will not be collected as part of the bespoke returns. From 1st January 2021, the FSA will be obtaining relevant Imported Food Safeguard Measures information from LAs and PHAs via the UK web-based electronic pre-notification system IPAFFS, for which there are entries on the List (Imported Food Safeguard Measures SDL ref 195-00) 192-00


Data collection SDL ref
Gambling Licensing Authority Returns – the following data points have been removed from the annual data return:

Machine entitlement
Alcohol licensed premises (automatic entitlement) - Taken up this year; All active entitlements; Surrendered this year

Alcohol licensed premises gaming machine permits - Issued this year; All active permits; Surrendered this year
Unlicensed family entertainment centre gaming machine permit - Issued this year; All active permits; Surrendered this year
Club machine permits - Issued this year; All active permits; Surrendered this year
Club gaming permits - Issued this year; All active permits; Surrendered this year

Gambling temporary use notices (1 April - 31 March) - Received; Number of days
Occasional use notices (1 April - 31 March) - Received; Number of Days
Alcohol and Late Night Refreshment Licensing data collection Frequency changed from annual to every two years. There will be a publication in 2022. 163-00

Postponed, cancelled or other changes due to COVID-19 pandemic

Data collection SDL ref
Food Hygiene and Food Standards (Local Authority food law enforcement monitoring returns for both)

The data topics pertaining to food hygiene and food standards sections of the LAEMS data collection have been amended or cancelled

The Local Authority (LA) data required is similar to that collected previously, but in many cases is simply less detailed. The use of LAEMS (Local Authority Enforcement Monitoring System) has ceased and bespoke returns / short interim ‘temperature check’ surveys have been introduced as a temporary measure, to facilitate the monitoring of the LA Covid-19 Recovery Plan and to provide year end monitoring data. New official control delivery models for food hygiene and food standards controls and a new approach for data collection on the delivery of official food and feed controls are currently in development. A new system should be in place by April 2023

The data collected in each quarterly ‘temperature check’ survey (July 2022, Oct 2022, Jan 2023) and end of year survey April 2023 are subject to change, with unchanged LA burden. These surveys will be reflective and forward looking, with the objective of evidencing performance against the previous milestone, whilst assessing preparedness to achieve the next one.
190-00 and 191-00

Changes to the Single Data List: 2020-21


Data collection SDL ref
Since the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) team based at the University of Bristol (UoB) took over the national analysis, some of the questions previously asked as part of this data collection have been removed (therefore reducing the data burden for this collection). 086-00
Changes to the Local Authority Housing Statistics (LAHS), of which the most substantial is a removal of items in Section F (condition of stock), following removal of items in the previous year. One question in that section will be changed. One “yes or no”, three multiple choice questions are added (which do not require extra data or information), and in two existing questions on Housing Revenue Account stock changes, extra breakdowns added. Overall there will be a net decrease of questions asked. 252-00
Data specification updated and approved No new fields added, only some removed/improved (not to increase burdens). No mandatory enforcement. 268-00
Add the number of staff on dual contracts for each FRS workforce diversity characteristic; combine age and gender diversity data collection and add option for ‘Other’ for gender. 061-01
Drop collection of number of shifts lost due to FRS personnel injuries. 061-04
Add question on how many additional ‘non real life’/remote Home Fire Safety Checks/ Safe and Well Visits were carried out; collect the number of HFSCs/S&WVs where one or more vulnerabilities/risk factors were known to be present. 061-05

Postponed, cancelled or other changes due to COVID-19 pandemic

Data collection SDL ref
Due to the COVID-19 pressures, the Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS) collection this year is voluntary. 135-00
Due to COVID-19 pressures, the Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE) 2020-21 has been postponed by one full year, so will next be collected in Jan 2022 and published in June 2022. It will continue to run biennially, so the next round after this will be 2023-24. 140-00
Due to the continued pressure on Local Authority resources due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Home Office has cancelled the 2021 alcohol and late night refreshment licensing data collection; this will reduce the burden on licensing authorities who are responsible for collecting these data. The next data collection exercise will be in 2022. 163-00
Due to the continued pressure on Local Authority resources due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the HSE has cancelled the 2021 Local Authority Enforcement (LAE1) data return. The next data collection exercise will be in 2022. 154-00

Other changes

Data collection SDL ref
Correction to name of data collection and reverts back to Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS) 135-00
Carers Survey - change to full name of the survey to Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE) 140-00
Changed from AGB1 to AGB 02000
Changed from ‘PS1/2 General Development Control statistical returns’ to ‘PS1/2 district matters planning returns’ 021-00
Changed from ‘CPS1/2 General Development Control statistical returns’ to ‘CPS1/2 county matters planning returns’ 022-00