
The Single Data List

Updated 6 March 2025

Applies to England

Single Data List of central government data requirements from local government 2023-24.

1. Central government departments

Data collection Dept. Ref
National Fraud Initiative (NFI) CO 170-00
Weights and measures enforcement (section 70) DBT/OPSS 001-00
Animal Welfare: during transport DEFRA 069-00
Animal Health & Welfare Management and Enforcement System (AMES) DEFRA 071-00
Return of expenditure incurred and prosecutions undertaken under the Animal Health Act 1981 and incidences of disease in imported animals DEFRA 073-00
Local Pollution Control Statistical Survey (LPCSS) DEFRA 075-00
Flood and coastal erosion risk management and sustainable drainage systems DEFRA 080-00
Local nature conservation/biodiversity DEFRA 160-00
WasteDataFlow - LA waste management statistics DEFRA 082-00
Local Authority Private Water Supplies Data submission DEFRA 083-00
Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers DEFRA 256-00
Local Authorities statistical information on Smallholdings (County Farms) DEFRA 257-00
Animal activities licensing data return DEFRA 266-00
Children in Need Census DfE 087-00
Children Looked After (CLA) (SSDA903) DfE 088-00
Children’s Social Care Work Workforce DfE 091-00
Secure Children’s Homes (SA1) DfE 092-00
Early Years Census DfE 096-00
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) DfE 098-00
Admissions: Parental Preferences met DfE 100-00
Admissions: report to the School Adjudicator DfE 101-00
Key Stage assessment data DfE 161-00
School Census DfE 159-00
Alternative Provision Census DfE 102-00
Parental Responsibility Measures – Attendance DfE 104-00
School Admissions Appeals DfE 107-00
School Capacity DfE 108-00
School Condition DfE 216-00
School Exclusion Appeals DfE 109-00
School Workforce Reviews DfE 111-00
Section 251 financial return DfE 113-00
Teacher Pension Contributions DfE 117-00
Teacher Pension Service DfE 118-00
Young people aged 16-19 (and up to 25 with SEND) DfE 119-00
Chief Finance Officer Sign-Off Statements DfE 120-00
Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) DfE 171-00
Children with Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN2) DfE 189-00
Local Authority Data Collection of Linked and Federated Provision DfE 224-00
Concessionary Travel Survey DfT 121-00
Local bus punctuality DfT 122-00
Taxi Survey DfT 125-00
Blue Badge Parking Survey DfT 127-00
Highway inventory data DfT 129-00
Winter salt stock holdings DfT 251-00
Road condition data DfT 130-00
Road Lengths Survey DfT 132-00
Child Death Review Panels (LSCB1) DHSC 086-00
National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) DHSC/OHID 253-00
Collation of NHS Health Check quarterly data return DHSC/OHID 254-00
Oral Health Surveys DHSC/OHID 262-00
House Building Return (P2a) DLUHC 002-00
Housing Flows Reconciliation Form (HFR) DLUHC 003-00
CORE (Continuous Recording) of lettings by local authorities DLUHC 065-00
Rough Sleeping Snapshot Statistics DLUHC 010-00
Count of traveller caravans DLUHC 013-00
Housing Capital Receipts pooling DLUHC 167-00
Annual Green Belt (AGB) return DLUHC 020-00
PS1/2 District matters planning statistical returns DLUHC 021-00
CPS1/2 County matters planning statistical returns DLUHC 022-00
Revenue Summary (RS) DLUHC 026-00
Revenue Grants (RG) DLUHC 027-00
Revenue Outturn (RO) DLUHC 028-00
Trading Services Return (TSR) DLUHC 029-00
Subjective Analysis Return (SAR) DLUHC 030-00
Revenue Account budget (RA) DLUHC 032-00
Revenue Account Specific and Special Grants (SG) DLUHC 033-00
Capital Outturn Return (COR) Expenditure & Receipts DLUHC 035-00
Capital Outturn Return (COR) Financing DLUHC 036-00
Capital Outturn Return (COR) Prudential System DLUHC 037-00
Capital Outturn Return (COR) receipts and major repairs reserve DLUHC 038-00
Capital Estimates Return (CER) DLUHC 040-00
Capital Payments and Receipts (CPR1 to CPR 4) DLUHC 041-00
Council Tax Requirement (CTR1/CTR2/CTR3/CTR4) DLUHC 042-00
Quarterly Return of Council Taxes and Non-domestic rates (QRC1 to QRC3) DLUHC 043-00
Quarterly Return of Council Taxes and Non-domestic rates (QRC4) DLUHC 166-00
Quarterly Revenue Outturn (QRO) DLUHC 044-00
Council Tax Base (CTB) DLUHC 045-00
National Non-domestic Rates Return (NNDR) 1 DLUHC 046-00
National Non-domestic Rates Return (NNDR) 3 DLUHC 048-00
Local Government Pension Scheme Funds Form (SF3) DLUHC 050-00
Monthly Borrowing and Lending Inquiry DLUHC 051-00
Quarterly Borrowing and Lending Inquiry DLUHC 052-00
Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding (SBCH) DLUHC 265-00
Housing Delivery Test data DLUHC 267-00
Local Authority Housing Statistics DLUHC 252-00
H-CLIC (Homelessness Case Level Information Collection) DLUHC 268-00
Names of additional Public Private Partnership / Private Finance Initiative Projects (for ONS & HMT) DLUHC 271-00
Exit payments DLUHC 272-00
Capital Outturn Return (COR) Local Authority Trading companies (New) DLUHC 273-00
Domestic Abuse Tier 1 Safe Accommodation (New) DLUHC 274-00
Single Housing Benefit Extract (SHBE) DWP 146-00
Housing Benefits Recoveries Return DWP 147-00
Returns on outcome of DWP data-matching referrals on HB claims DWP 148-00
Housing Benefit (HB) subsidy estimates and claims DWP 150-00
Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) estimates and claims DWP 151-00
Whole of Government Accounts (WGA) HMT(DLUHC) 183-00
Fire and rescue incident data HO 060-00
Fire and rescue service non-financial annual returns HO 061-00
Fire Fighters Pension Fund - Non-financial data HO 172-00
Fire Fighters Pension Fund - Financial data HO 173-00
Alcohol and Late Night Refreshment Licensing HO 163-00

2. Central government bodies, agencies and arm’s length bodies

Data collection Agency/body Ref
Gambling Licensing Authority Returns DCMS/GC 207-00
Developments in flood risk areas DEFRA/EA 243-00
Strategic Overview of Flood and Coastal Erosion risk DEFRA/EA 245-00
Reporting on EU Flood Risk Regulations DEFRA/EA 246-00
Foster care data set and self assessment DfE/Ofsted 222-00
Local Authority Adult and Community Learning provision. DfE/Ofsted 225-00
Schools capital outturn DfE/ESFA 203-00
Information to support calculations of the minimum funding guarantee to Academies DfE/ESFA 206-00
Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS) DHSC/NHSE 135-00
Mental Health Guardianship (SSDA702) return DHSC/NHSE 138-00
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Return DHSC/NHSE 139-00
Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE) DHSC/NHSE 140-00
Register of blind and partially sighted people (SSDA902) DHSC/NHSE 144-00
Safeguarding Adults Collection DHSC/NHSE 258-00
Short and Long Term Support (SALT) DHSC/NHSE 260-00
Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR) DHSC/NHSE 261-00
Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA) DHSC/NHSE 263-00
Adult Social Care Client Level Data (CLD) (New) DHSC/NHSE 275-00
Local Authority Data Return (LADR) DLUHC/RSH 270-00
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) (New) DLUHC/RSH 276-00
Health & Safety Enforcement Data (LAE1) DWP/HSE 154-00
Youth Justice Application Framework (YJAF) MoJ/YJB 180-00

3. Other independent public bodies

Data collection Other Ref
Food Hygiene (LA food law enforcement monitoring return) FSA 190-00
Food Standards (LA food law enforcement monitoring return) FSA 191-00
Central Lists of Feed Business Establishments FSA 193-00
Approved Food Premises FSA 194-00
Imported Food Safeguard Measures FSA 195-00
Animal Feed Data returns FSA 196-00
Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) FSA 197-00
Electoral Statistics ONS 215-00
Quarterly Public Sector Employment Survey - local authority data collection ONS 054-00
Council Tax Data Acquisition from Local Authorities ONS 269-00

4. Other independent bodies

Data collection Other (a) Ref
Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) DHSC/SfC 142-00

5. Other public bodies not part of the single data list

Data collection Other (x) Ref
Performance Standards for Electoral Registration Officers EC 227-00
Performance Standards for Returning Officers EC 228-00
Statement of Postal Ballot Papers EC 229-00
Return of statistical information relating to conduct of elections EC 232-00
Statement of results EC 250-00

Note: Collections by the Electoral Commission are included here for completeness. The commission is a body entirely independent from Government and these returns are not subject to the normal arrangements for the Single Data List

List of acronyms

Central government departments

Dept. Central government departments
CO Cabinet Office
DBT/OPSS Department for Business and Trade - Office for Product Safety and Standards
DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DfE Department for Education
DfT Department for Transport
DHSC Department of Health and Social Care
DHSC/OHID Department of Health and Social Care - Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
DLUHC Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
DWP Department for Work and Pensions
HMT(DLUHC) HM Treasury (via DLUHC)
HO Home Office

Central government bodies, agencies and arm’s length bodies

Agency/body Central government bodies, agencies and arm’s length bodies
DCMS/GC Department for Culture, Media and Sport - Gambling Commission
DEFRA/EA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - Environment Agency
DfE/Ofsted Department for Education - Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills
DfE/TRA Department for Education - Teaching Regulation Agency
DfE/ESFA Department for Education - Education and Skills Funding Agency
DHSC/NHSE Department of Health and Social Care - National Health Service England
DLUHC/RSH Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities - Regulator of Social Housing
DWP/HSE Department for Work and Pensions - Health and Safety Executive
MoJ/YJB Ministry of Justice - Youth Justice Board

Other independent public bodies

Other Other independent public bodies
FSA Food Standards Agency
ONS Office for National Statistics

Other independent bodies

Other (a) Other independent bodies
DHSC/SfC Department of Health and Social Care - Skills for Care

Other public bodies not part of the single data list

Other (x) Other public bodies not part of the single data list
EC Electoral Commission

Notes: The Single Data List is a list of all data returns that central government requires from local government relating to their function as a local authority. Most of the returns listed are completed directly by the local authority but returns are included in the list where the authority has some other form of mandatory involvement, such as in producing the Schools Census.

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities - April 2023