Corporate report

Office for the Secretary of State for Scotland Single Departmental Plan, May 2018

Updated 27 June 2019

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

This corporate report was withdrawn on

It has been replaced by our Outcome Delivery Plan.

The Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland occupies a unique place at the heart of the UK Government as the UK constitution evolves. In recent years the Office has been at the centre of the transfer of further powers to the Scottish Parliament through the Scotland Act 2016, and ensuring the interests of Scotland and the devolution settlement are fully considered as we leave the EU.

Our Objectives

  1. Strengthening and sustaining the Union
  2. Scotland’s voice in the UK Government
  3. Championing the UK Government in Scotland

As part of the UK, Scotland benefits from the UK’s strength, security and stability. The Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland works with a range of stakeholders, including the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament, and with departments across Whitehall to deliver for Scotland.

Objective 1: Strengthening and sustaining the Union

To act as custodians of constitution arrangements and in particular the devolution settlement.

1.1 Brexit

Working closely with departments across the UK Government and Scottish Government to ensure that the UK’s exit from the EU delivers for all parts of the UK.

1.2 Devolution

Ensuring that the current devolution settlement works effectively in the interests of people in Scotland and the rest of the UK while overseeing the delivery of powers contained in the Scotland Act 2016. Together these powers have made the Scottish Parliament one of the most powerful devolved parliaments in the world.

Objective 2: Scotland’s voice in the UK Government

To represent distinct Scottish interests within Government and support the rest of the Government on Scottish matters.

2.1 Brexit

Working with stakeholders in key sectors and the wider business community in Scotland to ensure that particular issues around Brexit are reflected in the UK’s negotiating positions.

Working with key departments across the UK Government and with the Scottish Government to ensure we get the best possible deal for Scotland and the whole of the UK in the Brexit negotiations.

Ensuring that Brexit will mean that significantly more powers for Holyrood as powers come back from Brussels, while also ensuring that our approach to these returning powers preserves the integrity of the UK internal market, the UK’s ability to strike trade deal and manage its common resources. Delivering these objectives through legislation which respects our current constitutional arrangements and the devolution settlement in Scotland.

2.2 City Deals

Supporting economic growth and investment in vital Scottish and UK industries. We are delivering the £1 billion deal for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley, the £250 million deal for the Aberdeen City Region and the £188m deal for the Inverness City Region. In 2017, we signed Heads of Terms with Edinburgh and South East Scotland. Working in partnership with the Scottish Government, we are conducting negotiations with Stirling & Clackmannanshire, the Tay Cities, the Ayrshires and Borderlands.

2.3 Industrial Strategy & Economy

Ensuring Scotland benefits from improved productivity growth as part of the Industrial Strategy.

We have committed to working collaboratively with the Scottish Government to maximise the impact of further support for businesses and communities in Scotland. As part of this, we’ve announced proposals for an inter-agency collaboration review that will identify opportunities to make Government services in Scotland as simple and effective as possible.

Supporting the work to establish a deep and special partnership between the UK and the EU for the future - one that allows for strong trade and the closest cooperation on the issues that matter. As part of the UK, 207,000 more people are in employment in Scotland and unemployment has fallen by 104,000, since early 2010. The current number of women in work in Scotland is just below the record high achieved in 2014 and there are now 97,000 more women in work compared to 2010. Private sector employment has risen by 153,000 in Scotland over the same period, almost three times the fall in public sector jobs. We are building an economy that is fit for the future through a balanced approach by reducing debt at the same time as supporting public services and investing to improve our productivity.

2.4 Oil and Gas and Renewables

Engaging with the Oil & Gas sector and continuing to support this important industry. In recent budgets, the UK Government has provided a £2.3 billion support package to the industry including a competitive tax regime for oil and gas companies; providing £40 million for seismic surveys in under developed areas of the UK Continental Shelf; a new £250 million Aberdeen City Package deal which included work on Aberdeen Harbour and the setting up of the Oil and Gas Technology Centre, a world leader in developing new technology for the industry.

Working with the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on decarbonising our economy by supporting major renewables developments in Scotland and across the UK with recent Contracts for Difference secured in the offshore wind sector. We have also worked closely with BEIS to enable renewables developments on the remote islands of Scotland to bid for support at the next round of Contracts for Difference in Spring 2019.

2.5 International Trade

Boosting International Trade is key for Scotland and the UK. The GREAT campaign is now operational in over 240 diplomatic posts in 144 countries around the globe. The campaign delivers targeted activity to promote the UK as a world-class destination for trade, tourism, investment and education. Scottish businesses benefit from this network and the expertise of advisers at the UK Government’s ‘exports roadshow’.

We are working closely with DIT as we develop the UK’s trade policy. We are working to deliver an appropriate engagement mechanism on trade with the Scottish Government and to develop more effective collaboration between UK and Scottish trade promotion agencies in line with the Industrial Strategy.

The Secretary of State for Scotland continues to make overseas visits to a number of international markets to bang the drum for Scottish businesses, including the promotion of oil and gas and Scottish food and drink exports. Recent visits have included Paraguay, Argentina, Norway, Brussels, Hong Kong and Japan.

2.6 Defence

Supporting the Ministry of Defence in its work to implement the Strategic Defence and Security Review in Scotland and deliver the National Security Capability Review published in March 2018.

The UK Government’s commitment to defence in Scotland in 2017 to 2018 has included significant commitments to shipbuilding. The £3.7 billion pipeline of investment has guaranteed the shipbuilding industry on the Clyde work for 20 years and safeguarded 1,700 shipbuilding jobs in Scotland.

The RAF has invested £10 million in the new Remote Radar Head facility, at Saxa Vord, Unst, Shetland. The radar will improve RAF and NATO understanding of the airspace north of Britain and further out across the Norwegian Sea, improving the UK’s sovereign capability at a time of heightened Russian military activity.

Objective 3: Championing the UK Government in Scotland

To represent and advocate for the UK Government’s policies and achievements in Scotland.

3.1 Digital Connectivity

Good digital connectivity is an essential for businesses, communities, families and individuals across our society. The UK Government has previously invested around £122 million in superfast broadband in Scotland and we continue to support its rollout across the country. We are working closely with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) towards implementing a Universal Service Obligation by 2020, to ensure every home and business in Scotland and the rest of the UK will have the right to access broadband.

We are working closely with DCMS to ensure that Scotland is included in the 5G Trials and Testbeds and the Local Full Fibre Network programme, with trials taking place in both rural and urban areas. We will continue to work with DCMS and local authorities to explore how new technologies may maximise digital connectivity across Scotland.

We will also continue to work closely with the Home Office on its Emergency Service Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP) to ensure, where possible, that masts built for the ESMCP in Scotland, which are viable for commercial use, are opened up to third parties.

3.2 International Development

Working closely with the Department for International Development (DFID), which has its joint HQ in East Kilbride. On behalf of the UK Government, the Secretary of State hosted a reception in Dover House to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Halo Trust.

DFID financially supports or links with a range of civil society organisations in Scotland and is working with the Scottish International Development Alliance to engage with Scottish organisations and help build their capacity to apply for grants through the new Small Charities Challenge Fund (SCCF) which supports the UK’s small non-for-profit groups, to scale-up and increase the reach and efficiency of their overseas projects.

While in West Africa, the Secretary of State took the opportunity to visit the Aberdeen Women’s Centre (AWC) in Freetown, Sierra Leone in October 2017. The AWC received vehicles from DFID that are used to carry out screening trips throughout Sierra Leone and to identify and transport fistula patients to Freetown for treatment.

3.3 Delivering for Scotland

Working in partnership with other UK Government Departments to plan, deliver and promote policies, Ministerial events and campaigns in Scotland, explaining to the public how the UK Government is delivering for people in Scotland. Since the General Election in June 2017, the Secretary of State and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State have undertaken many visits the length and breadth of Scotland, engaging with a wide range of stakeholders on our priority areas. The Secretary of State also promotes Scotland on the international stage.

The Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland will strengthen the UK Government in Scotland network by supporting the development of new UK Government Hubs, improving linkages on issues such as personnel interchange and learning and development programmes.

We will continue to make the case for a strong UK, to represent the interests of Scotland at Westminster, and increase public awareness of how the UK Government continues to deliver for people in Scotland.