Corporate report

Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland Single Departmental Plan 2019-2020

Updated 27 June 2019

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

This corporate report was withdrawn on

It has been replaced by our Outcome Delivery Plan.

The Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland (OSSS) occupies a unique place at the heart of the UK Government. We work with a wide range of stakeholders across Scotland, in addition to the Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament, and UK Government departments to deliver for Scotland.

1. Brexit

As the UK prepares to leave the European Union, we will continue to work closely with departments across the UK Government, the Scottish Government, Scottish businesses, and stakeholders to ensure that the UK’s exit delivers for Scotland as part of the UK.

We will ensure that legislative and operational arrangements are ready to implement the powers that will be transferring from Brussels, many of which will be devolved to the Scottish Parliament. We will work with other UK Government Departments and with the Scottish Government to ensure frameworks are developed and implemented, ensuring that our approach to these returning powers preserves the integrity of the UK internal market, and the UK’s ability to strike trade deals and manage its common resources. This will build on the work that has already been undertaken with the Scottish Government and key industry stakeholders to ensure that the future opportunities in agriculture and fishing for targeted support and allocations are taken up and that the UK internal market in agricultural products continues to function effectively.

In delivering Brexit, we will carefully manage our own internal resources to prioritise between Brexit and OSSS Strategic Objectives. Dependent on the form of Brexit, prioritisation may change and further resources may be required.

The constitutional context of Brexit continues to bring challenges and opportunities for the Office. The OSSS Single Departmental Plan sets out how the OSSS will contribute to the delivery of Brexit and deliver on the OSSS Strategic Objectives through our key priorities for the coming year.

2. OSSS Strategic Objectives

  1. Strengthening and sustaining the Union;
  2. Scotland’s voice within the UK Government; and
  3. Championing the UK Government in Scotland.

This plan sets out how we will achieve our Strategic Objectives in 2019/20. In delivering these priorities, OSSS will continue to work closely with the Office of the Advocate General for Scotland, other UK Government Departments, the Scottish Government, and stakeholders across Scotland.

A key event during the life of this plan will be the opening of the UK Government Edinburgh Hub, the UK Government’s flagship Headquarters in Scotland. This is an exciting opportunity for UK Government Departments to work closely with Scottish businesses, citizens, and other stakeholders, as well as the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament, to deliver on our shared objectives for Scotland.

2.1 Objective 1: Strengthening and Sustaining the Union

OSSS will continue to act as custodians of the constitution and the devolution settlement in Scotland, ensuring Scotland’s interests are fully represented and considered in Brexit negotiations and preparations through our positive and effective working relationship with the Scottish Government. We will also promote UK Government delivery for Scotland as part of a successful, secure, and enduring Union.

By 2020 we will have:

  • Taken forward Scotland’s interests in the United Kingdom’s future relationship with the European Union.
  • Delivered a devolution settlement that makes the Scottish Parliament one of the most powerful devolved parliaments in the world and is recognised as such by the people of Scotland.
  • Increased understanding of the respective responsibilities of the UK and Scottish Governments. To strengthen the legitimacy of the UK Government as one of Scotland’s two governments and to increase the level of public trust in the UK Government.


Intergovernmental Relations Review

We will continue to support the joint UK Government and Devolved Administrations review established in March 2018 by the Joint Ministerial Committee (Plenary) (JMC(P)). This review is looking at existing intergovernmental structures, including the Memorandum of Understanding between the UK and Scottish Governments, to ensure the structures are fit for purpose in light of the UK’s exit from the EU. The review is progressing across five work streams:

  • Principles.
  • Governance.
  • Dispute Resolution Mechanisms.
  • Intergovernmental Machinery.
  • International Engagement.

At JMC(P) on 19 December 2018, the Prime Minister, together with the First Ministers of Scotland and Wales, noted the progress made so far on the review. The review is ongoing and OSSS will continue to play a key role, working alongside partners across UK Government and the Devolved Administrations.

Implementation of Scotland Acts

2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the devolution settlement. We will continue to work in partnership with the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament to ensure that the current devolution settlement works effectively in the interests of people in Scotland and the rest of the UK.

We will continue to engage with UK Government Departments to ensure that the distinctive requirements of Scotland and the devolution settlement are taken into account when they are formulating policy that will have an impact on Scotland.

We will encourage and facilitate early engagement with the Scottish Government on the formulation and implementation of legislation and policy. As part of the UK Government’s commitment to the effective operation of the devolution settlement, we will continue to work with counterparts in the Scottish Government to ensure that Legislative Consent Motions are sought from the Scottish Parliament where the legislative consent process is engaged.

To implement the provisions of the Scotland Act 2016, through the Joint Ministerial Working Group on Welfare, the UK Government will continue to work closely with the Scottish Government to enable a safe and smooth transfer of responsibility for these vital schemes in a way that ensures a seamless service to citizens in Scotland. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will continue to share its knowledge and expertise in this area to support the work the Scottish Government is undertaking to set up the new Social Security Agency and new IT systems.

Further secondary legislation is also expected relating to devolution of Welfare Implementation (Job Grants, Funeral Expenses Assistance and Agency Arrangements), the management and operation of tribunals, and policing of railways in Scotland.

We will continue to monitor and report on the implementation of the Scotland Act 2012.

2.2 Objective 2: Scotland’s voice in the UK Government

We will continue to represent distinct Scottish interests within the UK Government and support UK Government departments on Scottish matters. Our primary focus beyond Brexit will be on Scotland’s Economy and Business.

By 2020 we will have:

  • A strong understanding of Scotland at all levels in the UK Government.
  • Delivered a series of in-depth policy projects with other government departments, ensuring that the policy objectives are achieved for the benefit of Scotland.  
  • Ensured that strengthening and sustaining the Union is a common goal across Government.


Scotland’s Economy and Business

A key priority for the OSSS will be Scotland’s Economy and Business, drawing upon several strands of work already undertaken by us in conjunction with our partners, including Scottish Government, to ensure that Scotland’s economy grows and draws upon all of its Governments resources to do so.

Our work will be framed in the context of the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy. We are committed to working collaboratively with the Scottish Government to maximise the impact of further support for businesses and communities in Scotland. We will conduct an inter-agency collaboration review that will identify opportunities to maximise the effectiveness of both Governments support and services in Scotland for businesses.

City Region and Growth Deals Programme

The UK Government continues to drive the City Region Deals programme, building on the success of the programme elsewhere in the UK and applying our collective experience to Scotland, already giving all of Scotland’s seven major cities a City Region Deal.

We will continue to build on the UK Government’s committed investment to date of £1.35 billion.

In addition to taking forward significant elements of the City Deals for Glasgow & Clyde Valley, Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, Inverness and Highland, the Tay Cities, Stirling and Clackmannanshire, and Edinburgh and South East Scotland, we have also worked with local partners and committed to invest £103 million in the Ayrshire Growth Deal, and we have recently announced the quantum for the £260 million Borderlands Growth Deal.

In 2019, we will finalise full deal agreements on the Tay Cites and Stirling and Clackmannanshire Deals. We will also agree Heads of Terms for the Borderlands and Moray Growth Deals.

We will work with our partners to undertake the first 5-year Gateway Review for the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Deal. Allied with a programme of Annual Conversations, and working in close partnership with the Scottish Government, the OSSS is increasing the level of monitoring and evaluation activity to ensure that the commitments made across all the Deals are being delivered.

Oil and Gas and Renewables

Working with the industry and the Oil and Gas Authority, we will continue to ensure the challenges facing the industry are properly understood by colleagues across UK Government and targeted support is provided.

The Office will continue to work with colleagues in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to support the renewables sector in Scotland.

International Trade

Boosting international trade is key for Scotland as part of Global Britain. The GREAT campaign is now operational in over 240 diplomatic posts in 144 countries around the globe, and delivers targeted activity to promote the UK as a world-class destination for trade, tourism, investment, and education. Scottish businesses benefit from this network and the expertise of advisers at the UK Government’s ‘exports roadshow’.

OSSS will continue to work alongside the Department for International Trade to develop the UK’s future trade policy and maintain a focus on ensuring any future trade deals reflect the needs of Scotland within the UK. The UK Government is working closely with Scottish Government to deliver an approach that works for the whole of the UK, reflecting the needs of individual strengths of each of the nations and drawing on their knowledge and expertise. The UK Government has committed to publish a concordat outlining the role of the Devolved Administrations in future UK trade policy.

OSSS will continue to support the work of the UK Board of Trade as it helps to boost exports, attract inward investors, and ensures the benefits of free trade are spread across the whole of the UK.

The Secretary of State for Scotland will continue to make overseas visits to a number of international markets to bang the drum for Scottish businesses, including the promotion of oil and gas and Scottish food and drink exports.

2.3 Objective 3: Championing the UK Government in Scotland

OSSS will continue to represent and advocate for the UK Government’s policies and achievements in Scotland. We will continue to promote and highlight the role of UK Government in the lives of Scotland’s citizens including the UK Government’s continued investment in Scotland.

By 2020 we will have:

  • A settled position for Scotland in the United Kingdom with increased recognition of what the UK Government delivers in Scotland.
  • A recognisable outward UK Government brand in Scotland.
  • A regular, constructive dialogue with stakeholders who believe the UK Government in Scotland is visible, accessible and collaborative.
  • Appropriate premises to headquarter the UK Government in Scotland.
  • All UK Government employees in Scotland feel part of the UK Government family.


UK Government in Scotland

OSSS will continue to support and champion the work of all UK Government departments, working collaboratively to raise the profile of their work across Scotland. We will continue to make the case for a strong UK, to represent the interests of Scotland at Westminster, and increase public awareness of how the UK Government continues to deliver for people in Scotland.

Working in partnership across the UK Government, we will support departments to plan, deliver, and promote policies, events and campaigns in Scotland, to highlight how the UK Government is delivering for people in Scotland.

A key focus of this work will be to ensure the UK Government’s contribution in Scotland is understood and recognised, not only through policy delivery but also through the impact departments such as the Ministry of Defence (MoD), Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), Home Office, and the Department for International Development (DfID) have in Scotland as large employers of UK Government civil servants based in Scotland.

The Secretary of State for Scotland will continue to convene regular meetings of the UK Government in Scotland Senior Panel, to ensure that all UK Government Departments with significant operations in Scotland work coherently together in pursuit of our common objectives of increasing growth, prosperity, and employment in Scotland.

UK Government Hub, Edinburgh

We will plan for the opening in 2020 of the new UK Government flagship headquarters in Edinburgh, which will provide a new base for the Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Office of the Advocate General for Scotland, alongside colleagues from HMRC and other UK Government departments. The building will be powerful evidence of the UK Government’s ongoing commitment to Scotland.

OSSS will maintain its focus on strengthening the UK Government in Scotland network by improving relationships and cross departmental working on issues such as personnel interchange and learning and development programmes.