Research and analysis

Skills accelerator pilot evaluation

Research reports evaluating the skills accelerator pilot, incorporating the local skills improvement plan (LSIP) trailblazers and strategic development fund (SDF).

Applies to England


Skills accelerator pilot evaluation: research report

Skills accelerator pilot evaluation: follow up research report


This process evaluation aims to address:

  • how the skills accelerator pilot has helped to better align technical education and training provision with local labour market needs
  • what can be learnt from how the LSIP trailblazers and SDF pilots were delivered
  • what the perceived impacts were and how they were achieved

The skills accelerator pilot evaluation research report includes findings from 8 case studies and 112 interviews with employer representative bodies, lead providers and wider partners across the 18 pilot areas.

The skills accelerator pilot evaluation follow-up research report includes findings from 33 interviews and reflects on the progress made since pilot funding ended.

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Published 20 July 2023
Last updated 19 September 2023 show all updates
  1. 'Skills Accelerator pilot evaluation research report' updated to include the theory of change in Annex D.

  2. First published.

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