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SLC Board meeting minutes July 2024

Updated 14 January 2025

1. Attendees

1.1 Present

  • Peter Lauener (PL) - Chair

  • Chris Larmer (CL) - Chief Executive Officer

  • Gary Page (GP) - Non-Executive Director

  • Charlotte Moar (CM)- Non-Executive Director

  • Stephen Tetlow (ST) - Non-Executive Director

  • David Wallace (DW) - Deputy Chief Executive Officer

  • Audrey McColl (AMC) - CFO

  • Gary Womersley (GW) - Company Secretary

1.2 Also in attendance

  • Patrick Curry (PC) - DfE (by videoconference)

  • Anne Rimmer (AR) - DfE (by videoconference)

  • Aimy Hatt (AH) - DfE (by videoconference)

  • Linz McIntosh (LM) – Scottish Government (by videoconference)

  • Chris Williams (CW) - Welsh Government (by videoconference)

  • Martin McCourt (MMCC) – Department for the Economy NI (by videoconference)

  • Jonny O’Callaghan (JOC) – Department for the Economy NI (by videoconference)

  • Jason Dunham (JD) – CIO

  • Jackie Currie (JC) – Executive Director, Business Operations

  • Derek Ross (DR) - Executive Director, HE and FE Reform

  • Gillian Brydie (GB) - Executive Director, People

  • Helen Bogan (HB) – Head of Governance and Planning

  • Stuart Brydson (SB) - Board Secretary (Secretariat)

  • Nicholas McDermott (NMC) – Chief of Staff (for item 6.1 only)

  • Margaret McMullen (MMC) – Director of Finance (for item 6.2 only) (by videoconference)

2. Apologies

  • Natasha Toothill (SLC)

  • Julia Kinniburgh (DfE)

  • Victoria Bowman (Scottish Government)

3. FOI Notice

Where asterisks (*) appear, these sections have been excluded from the minutes before placing on the website as the subject under discussion falls within one or more of the exemptions contained in Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and can be reasonably withheld.        

4. Chairman’s Opening Remarks / Directors’ Matters / Declarations of Interest

PL welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially LM who was attending as a deputy for VB, and AH who was attending as an observer.  Apologies were noted from NT, JK, VB, and SG.  The were no declarations of interest.

5. Chair Update

5.1 Update from the Chair on relevant matters

Non-Executive Director Recruitment

PL noted that the new Secretary of State for Education, Bridget Philipson MP, had reviewed the Non-Executive Director recruitment submission and was content to continue with the campaign which had begun before the General Election but had not been concluded by the previous Government. 

Role of Board Member and Attendees

PL highlighted an action from the Board Effectiveness Review, that biannually he would reconfirm the basis on which individuals attend Board.  PL explained that the Board members were the Non-Executive Directors, the three Statutory Directors, CL, DW, and AMC, and GW as the Company Secretary.  The Assessors were not members of the Board and therefore had no decision-making role at Board meetings.  But Assessors were not just observers and had a specific role as per the Framework Document, to:

•         assist the Board in understanding their respective Minister’s aims and objectives, where required;

•         advise where their respective Ministers will need to be consulted or to agree a specific course of action;

•         bring any concerns to the Board’s attention; and

•         ensure the Board is aware of relevant guidance issued by the Department and the devolved governments.

PL noted that this reminder provided a good segway to PC who would provide a perspective on post-election thinking.  PL also reorganised the published agenda to bring the substantive Post-Election Update forward.

6. Strategic items

PC offered his reflections on the post-election period noting that it was still early in the life of the new UK Government and DfE was in introductory and induction mode with the new Ministerial team, with a specific focus on the immediate ‘first 100 days’ priorities. 

PC noted the HE sector as a ‘public good’ and was keen to foster a sense of partnership and collaboration. 



Ministers were also considering the financial sustainability of the sector and had been briefed on sector risks.  Ministers had also changed the emphasis and rhetoric towards international students, noting that they were welcome in the UK.  In terms of overall direction, PC noted that it was clear that the Government would focus on access for disadvantaged groups and how the education system can support economic growth. 




PL invited the assessors to provide an update from their nations.  CW explained that a new Welsh First Minister was due to be appointed, with the Welsh Parliament due to meet on 6 August to approve the appointment.  LM noted that the Scottish Government was going through a public consultation on education reform which was primarily concerned with protecting public funds and the best interests of students.  JOC highlighted that the NI Minister had now been in post for six months.  A review of student funding was ongoing.  JOC noted that NI was keen to focus on what could be delivered quickly, so would be looking to work within the current system and implement changes via annual rollover.



CL echoed the positive comments from others on the collaborative relationship between SLC and DfE, and with other colleagues from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  DW noted SLC’s strategic goal to be a trusted delivery partner and offer the best possible advice to inform Government decision-making.

The Board asked if the new Government had discussed the digital agenda, alternative finance or the SLC loan book.  PC explained that whilst there was not a lot of detail at this stage tech enabled reform was a thread running through all government policy.


PL highlighted that he and CL had already had a positive meeting with the Rt Hon Baroness Jacqui Smith, Minster of State for Skills.

6.1 CEO Report

NMC joined the meeting.

CL introduced the CEO Report, highlighting five areas:  GDPR, cyber and technology, safe delivery of the cycle, the pay remit, and the development of an investment case for the forthcoming Spending Review.  Risk was a thread throughout the CEO Report, with SLC aiming to be both reactive and proactive in the management of risk.


CL gave an update on GDPR. Board noted the substantial progress made by SLC and the position with regard to current Strategic Data Minimisation (SDM) workstreams.





Cyber and Technology

CL explained that the whilst the recent worldwide IT outage, caused by a leading security provider releasing an update containing defects did not impact SLC, it was a consequence of a more digital world, and it was important that SLC considered any wider learning points from it.  SLC would therefore conduct a Business Continuity exercise on a similar scenario later in the year.





Academic Cycle

CL explained that the flat cash settlement meant that it would not be possible to deliver ‘another year of better’, but the aspiration was to maintain the levels of customer service provided last year. 


The Board considered SLC’s resource model and suggested that benchmarking against other government departments would be helpful.  PL noted that this was an important consideration ahead of FY25-26 resourcing.


Pay Remit

GB noted that the civil service pay guidance for 2024-25 had been issued on Monday and allowed for an increase of up to 5% for delegated roles (below the Senior Civil Service in Government Departments and up to Grade 19 in SLC).  Departments had been given flexibility to address any pay anomalies and were to manage the remit within existing budgets.  Senior managers had already been provided with communications for their teams, PCS had been advised, and CL would send out a note to all colleagues. 



The Board asked if the pay remit had undermined the key objective of the SLC pay case which was to narrow the gap between SLC pay and the wider public sector, suggesting that benchmarking should come to RemCo, which GB agreed would happen.  The Board also asked about budgetary implications, with GB confirming that she and finance were working through this at present but did not anticipate any issues.

ACTION – GB to bring pay benchmarking to next RemCo meeting

Investment Case

CL explained that the timeline to produce the business case as part of the spending review was challenging.  That said, it was seen as a positive opportunity and CL was clear that SLC had a compelling investment case.  SLC would be meeting with HMT as well as working shoulder to shoulder with DfE on the development of the case.

SLC’s plans had been discussed internally at the Quarterly Business Review, where there was a genuine sense of excitement and buy in from the senior team and business partner community.  Fifteen enablers had been identified within the strategic blueprint which would form part of the investment business case, and SLC was mobilised to develop these enablers via cross-SLC workshops which had already commenced.  

The Board agreed that TOC would assist in reviewing the investment business case at their early September meeting. 

Other Progress

CL highlighted that SLC was green on all but one of the APRA targets, the repayments verification rates were currently the best they had ever been, and the annual target on fraud savings had already been achieved.  Additionally, GB and her team had recently led a successful Career Ready programme, where 27 interns from local schools had been mentored for 18 months by SLC colleagues and had enjoyed a paid internship for four weeks. 

CL noted that the new Executive Director of Change and Data, Nauman Dar, was due to start with SLC on 5 August. 


In summary PL noted that the Board took assurance that key issues, although challenging, were being well managed. 


PL noted that plans for the spending review submission were promising, and that he looked forward to the review of the investment business case at the September meeting of TOC.

NMC left the meeting.

6.2 CFO Report

MMC joined the meeting.

PL highlighted that all of the Non-Executive Directors welcomed and appreciated the efforts of AMC, MMC and their team to finalise the Annual Report and Accounts (ARA) ahead of recess and while it was disappointing that this had not in the end been possible, the actions of the team could not be faulted.  CM also commended the professionalism of SLC and NAO teams for their work on the ARA.  


Introducing the CFO Report, AMC noted that there were no variances from the budget in Q1.



PC noted that the Chanceller’s recent announcement included an autumn budget which would cover FY25-26 and a multi-year spending review in the spring which would cover at least 2 further years.  AMC noted that careful consideration would need to be given to sequencing given the likely funding timeline and that she was meeting DfE central finance the following day.

The Board agreed that this timetable would be challenging, with PL noting it was imperative for SLC to put together the best case possible, and for DfE to advocate on behalf of SLC within Government.

In summary PL noted that the Board took assurance from the report and the ongoing work to finalise the ARA for publication in the autumn. 

MMC left the meeting.

7. Reports from Committees

7.1 LLE/HE Reform Biannual Update

DR introduced the LLE/HE Reform Biannual Update noting that positive and collaborative dialogue with DfE continued, and that work was progressing against the existing plan.

In response to a question regarding the spending review, AMC explained that the business case would separate out the current state and LLE, with the baseline being where we are now. 



PL noted that it was good to see progress was being made and that there may be changes ahead as the Government finessed its priorities.  PL welcomed the continued one-team approach. 


8. Governance

8.1 Modern Slavery Statement

GW introduced the Modern Slavery Statement noting that colleagues had been very engaged in the process which was positive from a cultural perspective. 

The Board approved the Modern Slavery Statement.

8.2 Minutes of meeting held on 1 December

The minutes of the 27 June meeting was approved as an accurate record.

8.3 Matters arising from previous meetings

The matters arising document was approved as accurate.

To close MB 416, PL noted that the annual strategy session would best be held the day before the November Board meeting, on 27 November. 

9. Any other business

There was no other business.

9.1 Date of Next Meeting

The next formal meeting was confirmed as being at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday 26 September in the Darlington Boardroom or by Teams.

There being no other business the meeting ended at 12.30 pm.