Small Vessel Engineering Officer of the Watch, less than 9000 kW, less than 3000 GT, unlimited area, STCW Regulation III/2, Oral Examination Syllabus
Published 11 June 2018
- Understand the routine associated with taking over and accepting a watch, the duties to be performed during a watch and the routine associated with handing over to the following watch. Watchkeeping includes UMS/bridge control periods of duty:
- Knowledge of ISM (objectives, requirements and application on board), Maritime Labour Convention (MLC);
- Knowledge on the importance of maintaining watertight integrity of vessels;
- Knowledge on safe use of lifting equipment, safe working load (SWL), checks (cracks, corrosion, distortion, wear and tear), maintenance, testing and inspection certificates and records.
- Understand the safety precautions to be observed during a watch or period of duty and the immediate actions to be taken in the event of a fire, flooding, collision, grounding or malfunction of machinery or systems.
- Understand the precautions to be taken to reduce the possibility of machinery space fires.
- Understand the machinery space firefighting arrangements and their use. Knowledge of portable firefighting appliances and fixed firefighting installation, use of quick closing valves, emergency stop switch, fire flaps and doors to seal the machinery space.
- Compilation of machinery space log book and oil record book (added (new) and understand significance of readings taken.
- Preparation of main machinery and auxiliary equipment for sea. Stopping and shutting down of machinery. Testing of plant and equipment.
- Demonstrate knowledge of ships layout and systems ( Engine starting - compressed air/battery), fuel oil, Jacket water cooling, lub oil, sea water cooling, charged air system, bilge, ballast, hydraulic, propulsion and steering gear and back-up arrangement).
- Knowledge of planned maintenance for machinery, routine maintenance required to ensure efficiency of and power is maintained, safety devices fitted to engine and equipment, safe procedures for carrying out maintenance and repair, checks and tests before and after maintenance.
- Routine pumping operations of fuel oil, fresh water, bilge and ballast water. Knowledge of emergency bilge suction and associated pumps and bilge injection valve.
- Use of oily water separator and precautions to be observed to prevent environmental pollution.
- Preparation, starting, coupling and changeover of alternators or generators.
- Connection and disconnection of shore electrical power.
- Immediate action necessary in cases of electrical shock.
- Location and rectification of common faults in pumps and pumping systems.
- Location and rectification of common faults in machinery and plant including alarms and trips.
- Demonstrate Knowledge and impact of MARPOL Annexes I, IV, V, and VI and awareness of MARPOL Annexes II & III.
- Knowledge of preparations, procedures, checks and pollution prevention measures concerning bunkering operation(s).
- Knowledge of enclosed spaces, associated hazards, entry procedures and permit to work.
- Sewage plant operation and potential health risks.
- Basic knowledge of COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health).
- Basic knowledge of volts, ampere, hertz and kilowatts, switchboard instrumentation, reverse current protection, earth monitoring systems, preferential trips, breakers, fuses and isolating switches.
- Understand safety precautions applying to maintenance of electrical appliances and equipment.
- Knowledge on refrigeration system and functions of system components (equipment) and checks during operation.
- Knowledge on hydraulic system and safety precautions.
- Knowledge of different storage batteries for marine use.