
Smart Meter Energy Data Repository Programme: questions with responses

Updated 28 December 2022

This notice was withdrawn on

This competition is closed: see the resulting projects.

1. Please could you confirm the competition closing date and time? Your website, the EOI survey and the project guidance state 12 July, but the competition survey states 8 July at 2pm.

The competition closes on the 12 July 2022 at 2pm, as stated in the competition guidance notes. The error on the online application form has been corrected and now reflects the competition guidance notes.

2. Please could you confirm that it is within the scope of the competition to ask, as part of the feasibility study, whether a data repository is the correct architecture that addresses market needs, or whether there are other approaches that would better satisfy requirements and user needs? Our understanding is that this is part of the feasibility study, but we would like to confirm.

Yes, proposing new and/or alternative data architectures that are able to meet the overarching objectives of the Competition is within scope of the feasibility study.

3. What is the format and structure of the smart meter data that exists in the Smart Meter System? Is it standard across all Smart Meter providers?

The message to retrieve data via the Data Communications Company (DCC) is described in the DCC User Interface Specification (DUIS) and the response is described in the Message Mapping Catalogue (MMC). DUIS and MMC are available from the Smart Energy Code Administration Service (SECAS) website.

4. For how long must smart meter data be kept available after it is received? (or inversely, must data be stored indefinitely?)

This should be considered as part of any use cases and the Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA), calling out any known relevant regulatory issues and barriers.

5. Is the Technical Solution expected to replace any of the existing DCC or SMS systems? If so, which ones?

There are no constraints on technical solutions proposed for this Competition, but BEIS expect any solution requiring changes to the smart metering system to clearly set out the estimated costs and timescales as part of the CBA and delivery/implementation plan.

6. Is the Smart Metering System able to provide a unified feed of all smart meter data to the Technical Solution? (or must the Technical Solution aggregate various data streams into a single database?)

There is no constraint on technical solutions. Please see the response to question 5 above.

7. Which actors (as specified in the diagram on is the Technical Solution able to interface with directly?

Technical solutions can use existing actors or introduce new ones, but BEIS expects any solution requiring changes to the smart metering system to clearly set out the associated costs and timescales as part of the CBA and delivery/implementation plan.

8. Do risks in the risk category cover the risks during the project phase, or the potential risk of operation once commercialised?

The risks referred to in the Project Management and risk criterion should refer to those associated with the delivery of the project.

9. Are we supposed to answer the Social Value question as laid out in the Social Value Model advice (e.g. under the model evaluation section) or talk in general terms about how we meet the MACs?

You should respond to the social value question using the guidance set out in Section 7 Criterion 5 of the evaluation criteria in the competition guidance notes. Therefore, your response should provide detail on how and why you believe that your project will contribute to creating new businesses, jobs and skills and to increasing supply chain resilience and capacity.

10. On page 14 bullet 2, communications latency is referred to, does this relate to operational DSR data such as current asset status or does it relate to DSR market data for longer-term planning purposes?

The latency point relates to the current time it takes to retrieve data.

11. What are the performance expectations of the end solution, when the data repository is integrated with the whole system?

This should be considered as part of any use cases and the CBA, calling out any known relevant regulatory issues and barriers.

12. CBA analysis of a system-wide repository would require access to the operational processes and costs of alternative mechanisms including the existing SMETS system. The development of a Technical Solution that interfaces with the SMS/DCC network will require access to SMS/DCC technical data, for example configurations, interfaces and protocols. Can the project expect support will be available from nominated SMS/DCC experts?

In the first instance we would expect applicants to have some knowledge of the existing system so that appropriate assumptions can be made (perhaps using ranges to reflect uncertainties). Projects are encouraged to contact the DCC to understand what resource may be available.

13. SBRI funding eligibility – If we are a medium-size company <250 employees and we are part of a larger global parent company, will this have implications on the eligibility?

No, this does not impact eligibility for SBRI funding. More detail on eligibility for SBRI funding is set out in Section 7 of the competition guidance notes.

14. If we are a small company- are there any guidelines on who we choose to be the subcontractor (Can we subcontract a large company?)

There are no specific guidelines on who you choose as project partners and/or subcontractors, though usual SBRI eligibility applies to the total project costs. For example, over 50% of the project’s activities, measured by eligible project costs, must be conducted in the UK. More detail on eligibility for funding is set out in Section 7 of the competition guidance notes.

15. Does the bid application form allow the inclusion of Diagrams to support the proposal?

Yes, the application form allows attachments to be submitted for a range of questions. To access the application form, please follow this link to register your interest. Once the registration form has been completed, you will receive a password and link to access the application form. More detail is set out in section 4.2 of the competition guidance notes.