Social care surveys: guidance for providers
Guidance for social care providers about distributing the 2025 annual surveys and a promotional poster that they can use.
Applies to England
Annual surveys are Ofsted’s chance to hear what children and young people, parents, staff, social workers and other professionals say about children’s homes, adoption agencies, fostering services and residential family centres.
Providers send out links to the surveys on Ofsted’s behalf: the guidance explains how this works.
Providers can add the name of their service to the poster and use it to promote the online surveys.
We publish a report each year summarising the survey results.
Updates to this page
Updated guidance and promotional posters for social care providers for 2025 surveys.
Updated guidance and promotional posters for social care providers for 2024 surveys.
Updated guidance and promotional posters for social care providers for 2023 surveys.
Updated guidance and promotional posters for social care providers for 2022 surveys.
Our 2021 social care point in time survey is now live: this guidance for providers explains the process and how to send out links, along with a promotional poster.
We have added the 2020 social care annual survey guidance for providers and accompanying poster.
Updated guidance and promotional posters for social care providers for 2019 surveys.
Updated the promotional poster: boarding schools can use this to publicise Ofsted's annual surveys.
Updated promotional poster for providers.
Updated guidance and promotional poster for providers for the 2018 social care surveys.
Added survey dates for further education colleges, boarding schools and residential special schools to the guidance and poster.
Updated for 2017 survey: 19 June to 13 August 2017.
First published.