
Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund: Wave 2.1 (closed to applications)

Funding to improve the energy performance of social homes in England.

Applies to England


Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2.1: privacy notice


Applications to SHDF Wave 2.1 are now closed.

See details of the successful bids.

The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) will upgrade a significant amount of the social housing stock currently below Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) band C up to that standard. It will support the installation of energy performance measures in social homes in England, and help:

  • deliver warm, energy efficient homes
  • reduce carbon emissions
  • tackle fuel poverty
  • support green jobs
  • develop the retrofit sector
  • improve the comfort, health and well-being of social housing tenants


The SHDF Wave 2.1 competition will allocate up to £800 million of funding.

All grant funding for Wave 2.1 projects must be transferred to the grant recipient and spent by 31 March 2025. Projects may opt to deliver until 30 September 2025, where:

  • the scale and ambition of the project requires this
  • only co-funding is used in the final 6 months of delivery



Open to:

  • local authorities
  • combined authorities
  • registered providers of social housing (including housing associations and arms-length management organisations (ALMOs) that are registered providers)
  • registered charities that own social housing

All eligible organisations could apply directly to Wave 2.1 either as single bidders or as the lead of a consortium.

The above organisations, along with ALMOs that are not registered providers, could apply as part of a consortium led by an organisation that is eligible to lead a bid.


All existing social housing as defined by the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (sections 68-70), below EPC band C, regardless of archetype, are eligible.

How to apply

The Wave 2.1 competition closed to applications on 18 November 2022.

Applicants are invited to provide feedback on the application process.

Help and support

If you have any enquiries about SHDF Wave 2.1, you can email


The fund follows on from:

  • SHDF Wave 1, which will see energy performance improvements in up to 20,000 social housing properties, reducing bills and carbon emissions
  • the SHDF Demonstrator, where up to 2,000 homes are being improved to at least EPC Band C and around 1,200 local jobs supported

Updates to this page

Published 8 June 2022
Last updated 2 October 2023 show all updates
  1. SHDF Wave 2.2 will open in November 2023.

  2. Privacy notice updated to cover a scheme evaluation which may include people being contacted by the department or its research partners.

  3. SHDF Wave 2.1 closed for applications and applicants are invited to provide feedback on the application process.

  4. We have updated the Risk Register Template with a correction to one of the formulae. If you have already completed the Template, either copy the information into the updated template, or correct the formula in the original template - we have provided instructions on the page on how to do that.

  5. The SHDF Wave 2.1 application portal is open for the submission of applications.

  6. Competition guidance notes updated and guidance on payments (updated section 6.3 of competition guidance) added. Payment process clarification questions added.

  7. Minor updates to the Application Form Supplementary Tables (Excel).

  8. Competition launched: guidance and forms available for completion.

  9. Eligibility criteria expanded to incorporate registered charities that own social housing which can now apply directly to the SHDF Wave 2.1 competition, either as a single bidder or as the lead of a consortium.

  10. We have published final draft versions of the Wave 2.1 guidance, application form, Grant Funding Agreement, Data Sharing Agreement, Privacy Notice and clarification questions. Please send any further queries or suggestions by 12 August 2022.

  11. SHDF Wave 2.1 guidance published.

  12. First published.

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