
Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3 (closed to applications)

Funding for local authorities and social housing landlords to improve the energy performance of social homes in England.

Applies to England


Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - scheme guidance

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Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - Strategic Partnership application questions

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Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - Challenge Fund application questions

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Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - Strategic Partnership consortium application form

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Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - Strategic Partnership individual application form

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Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - Challenge Fund consortium application form

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Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - Challenge Fund individual application form

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Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - draft grant funding agreement

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Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - draft data sharing agreement

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Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3 - privacy notices


This fund was previously known as the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF).

See the list of Social Housing Landlords, including local authorities and housing associations awarded funding under the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund to be delivered 2025 until September 2028.


The Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund will upgrade a significant amount of the social housing stock currently below Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) band C up to that standard. It will support the installation of energy performance measures in social homes in England, and help:

  • deliver warm, energy efficient homes
  • reduce carbon emissions
  • tackle fuel poverty
  • support green jobs
  • develop the retrofit sector
  • improve the comfort, health and well-being of social housing tenants

This wave builds on the allocations made under the previous waves of SHDF

The Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3 has been allocated £1.29 billion as part of the Autumn Budget. See a breakdown of the funding available.

The application window closed on 25 November 2024.

Successful Social Housing Landlords will use the funding to install energy performance upgrades and low carbon heating.

Application routes 

There were 2 routes to access funding under Wave 3:

  • the Challenge Fund
  • Strategic Partnerships

Further detail on both routes is available within the scheme guidance. 


Wave 3 was open to the following (subject to exceptions): 

  • local authorities 
  • combined authorities
  • registered providers of social housing (including housing associations and arms-length management organisations (ALMOs) that are registered providers)  
  • registered charities that own social housing 

The above organisations, along with ALMOs that are not registered providers, could have applied as part of a consortium led by an organisation that was eligible.


The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) and their constituent local authorities were not eligible for the scheme.

GMCA and WMCA have received an allocation of funding as part of the government’s commitment to the Warm Homes and Public Sector Decarbonisation Devolution Programme. To learn more about this please refer to the Integrated Settlement GOV.UK page.

In most cases, housing associations whose projects include stock in GMCA/WMCA and elsewhere in the country had to split the project and seek funding for each project from the appropriate funding stream (GMCA, WMCA or WH:SHF).

We recognised that in a small number of circumstances, it may have been more appropriate for a housing association to obtain funding from a single source and those requests were on a case-by-case basis.


All existing social housing as defined by the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (sections 68 to 70), below  EPC  band C, regardless of archetype, were eligible for this scheme.  

Delivery timeline 

Delivery for Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3 will run to September 2028. All grant funding for Wave 3 projects must be transferred to the grant recipient and spent by 31 March 2028, and projects can only use co-funding in the final 6 months of delivery. 

Help and support 

If you have any enquiries about Wave 3, you can email:

Updates to this page

Published 13 May 2024
Last updated 11 March 2025 show all updates
  1. The application window for WH:SHF Wave 3 closed on 25 November 2024. A list of Social Housing Landlords, including local authorities and housing associations awarded funding has been published.

  2. Published 'Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3 - technical annex', along with information for local authorities on the Warm Homes and Public Sector Decarbonisation Devolution Programme.

  3. The Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund (WH:SHF) Wave 3 is now closed to applications.

  4. Added a clarification for question 3.2 under the application forms clarifications.

  5. The total amount of funding available to deliver the scheme has been announced.

  6. Added question 78 to the clarification questions, and updated the scheme guidance to provide clarification on funding profile duration in section 1.1.

  7. Added questions 76 and 77 to the clarification questions, and published 'Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3: application forms clarifications'.

  8. Updated the scheme guidance to include an amendment to the policy for transitioning to RdSAP 10.

  9. Added question 75 to the clarification questions.

  10. Clarified answer to question 18 under 'Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - clarification questions'.

  11. Updated the response to question 48 under 'Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund: Wave 3 - clarification questions' to clarify that applicants can submit more than one application.

  12. This fund is now open for applications. It will close at midday on 25 November 2024.

  13. This fund will open for applications in the week beginning 30 September 2024.

  14. First published.

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