
Calculate an indicative sovereign premium rate

A tool to help indicate UKEF’s premium rates for medium or long-term sovereign risk.

Use this service to calculate an indicative premium rate for medium or long-term transactions. This is where UK Export Finance supports a contract with an overseas sovereign buyer as the risk entity through buyer credit or direct lending facilities.

The information does not commit UK Export Finance to providing cover for a particular contract and does not commit us to a premium rate.

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Before you start

The calculator provides indicative premium rates for countries where UK Export Finance is on cover without restrictions.

Read guidance about cover policy and indicators for countries and territories that are covered by UK Export Finance.

UK Export Finance makes some assumptions in the calculation of indicative premium rates. These assumptions are:

  • the premium is payable upfront
  • the repayments are made on a regular semi-annual basis with equal payments of the loan principal
  • the premium is not financed from the loan

Read an overview of UK Export Finance’s pricing policy and methodology: Overview of UKEF’s pricing policy and methodology (PDF, 140 KB, 2 pages).

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Sovereign Risk Entity

Sovereign risk entities are defined as entities explicitly legally mandated to enter into a debt payment obligation on behalf of the Sovereign State. These are typically a Ministry of Finance or Central Bank.

Medium/Long-term transaction

A medium or long-term transaction is defined as a transaction where the credit terms, also known as the payment period, are longer than 2 years.

Repayment profile

The repayment profile is the structure given to the periodic repayments of the loan. We have assumed a regular semi-annual repayment profile with equal payments of loan principal.

Product quality

The product quality depends on whether the product is a guarantee, direct loan or insurance, and the risks that are covered. There are three categories defined in the OECD Arrangement, with minimum premium rates increased for higher quality products that provide more comprehensive cover. Our buyer credit and direct lending facilities are priced as Above standard quality (the highest of the three categories).

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Published 4 April 2022
Last updated 6 December 2022 show all updates
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