Slides - HTML
Published 22 January 2024
1. Slide 1
Satellites and sea water
2. Slide 2
Key question: how can we use satellites to check our oceans are okay?
3. Slide 3
How many milk containers would you need to capture all of water in our oceans?
- 352 million
- 352 billion
- 352 quintillion (correct)
352 quintillion looks like this: 352,000,000,000,000,000
4. Slide 4
Having so much water in our oceans is very important.
Water is very good at absorbing heat.
5. Slide 5
There is extra heat surrounding planet Earth today due to too many greenhouse gasses.
Our oceans absorb this extra heat.
Our oceans are now getting hotter.
6. Slide 6

A simulation of sea-surface temperatures superimposed on a satellite image of Earth. Credit: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
This satellite image shows sea temperatures. Where do you think the hottest areas are?
Satellites take lots of pictures of our oceans to check if temperatures are changing.
7. Slide 7
Experiment 1
How quickly will the ice melt?
What impact will warmer oceans have on melting ice?
Investigate the effect temperature has on rate of melting.
8. Slide 8
The oceans don’t just absorb heat. They are also great at absorbing carbon dioxide.
Absorbing too much carbon dioxide will make our oceans acidic.
Satellites can be used to show areas of acidity in our oceans.
9. Slide 9
Experiment 2
What effect does sea acidity have
on shells?
Investigate how changing the
acidity of sea water can impact
the strength of a shell.
Follow the instructions on your worksheet.