
Sparrows Bridge, Stour Marshes: decision about designation change

Updated 7 June 2019

Applies to England

1. Detail of decision

After a period of consultation, the Environment Agency has decided to change the designation of Sparrows Bridge watercourse in the East Kent Stour Marshes from main river to ordinary watercourse.

The Environment Agency is making this change as a ‘determination’ under section 193C(1) of the Water Resources Act 1991. This determination represents a formal decision to change the main river map.

The effect of this determination is that the Sparrows Bridge watercourse between national grid reference (NGR) TR 05166 47771 and TR 05292 48066 which is shown as a ‘deletion’ on the main river consultation map, shall no longer be treated as main river and shall be treated as ordinary watercourse.

The change will mean that the River Stour (Kent) Internal Drainage Board, will be responsible for the management of flood risk for this part of the watercourse. The Environment Agency will no longer have this responsibility.

If you wish to carry out works in or next to the watercourse, you may require the consent of the internal drainage board.

2. How to view the changes

You can see the change on the main river map.

The proposed change is shown as a ‘deletion’ a red line on the map.

Or you can view the main river consultation map at:

Environment Agency
Rivers House

The change will appear as a appeal on the main river consultation map for 6 weeks after the date of publication of this notice, to allow for appeals to the decision. The main river map will be formally changed to reflect the determination on 19 July 2019. If any appeal is submitted, then the map river map will retain the it’s proposed status of a until the appeal is determined. Then any change to the main river map will reflect the outcome of the appeal.

3. How to appeal (challenge the decision)

If you disagree with this decision you can appeal to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

If you wish to appeal, you should email explaining why you disagree with the decision to

or write to:

Rationalising the Main River Network
FCERM team
3rd Floor Seacole Building (SW)
2 Marsham Street

Please quote reference number MRV_100039 Sparrows Bridge, East Kent Stour Marches when you contact Defra.

You must make any appeal to Defra by 18 July 2019.