Policy paper

Specialised Committee on Citizens’ Rights: agenda, 15 June 2022

Published 10 June 2022

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

2pm to 4pm [2 hours] (CEST)

Brussels / Conference Call

2pm to 2:10pm [10 mins] Item 1: Opening remarks and adoption of agenda. Led by co-chairs, Marie Simonsen and Olaf Henricson-Bell
2:10pm to 3:50pm [100 mins] Item 2: Implementation and application of the Withdrawal Agreement. Discussion of implementation and application of Part Two (Citizens’ Rights) and update on relevant ongoing issues
3:50pm to 4pm [10 mins] Item 3: AOB. Annual report under Article 159 of the Withdrawal Agreement, organisation of the next meeting and adoption of a joint statement