Policy paper

Specialised Committee on Citizens’ Rights: agenda of the 14th meeting

Published 30 May 2024

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

6 June 2024, 1pm to 4:15pm (CEST)

Berlaymont, Brussels / conference call

Time Item
1pm to 1:10pm [10 mins] Item 1: Opening remarks and adoption of agenda. Led by co-chairs, Michal Meduna and Giles Hall.
1:10pm to 2:10pm [60 mins] Item 2: Presentation by the3million and British in Europe. Presentation by civil society organisations on issues encountered by EU citizens in the UK and UK nationals in the EU.
2:10pm to 2:40pm [30 mins] Item 3: EES (Entry/Exit System), ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System) and ETA (Electronic Travel Authorisation). Discussion of the upcoming EU and UK schemes from the perspective of the Withdrawal Agreement.
2:40pm to 2:55pm [15 mins] Break
2:55pm to 4:05pm [70 mins] Item 4: Implementation and application of the Withdrawal Agreement. Discussion of implementation and application of Part Two (Citizens’ Rights) and update on relevant ongoing issues.
4:05pm to 4:15pm [10 mins] Item 5: AOB. Organisation of the next meeting and joint statement to be issued.