Transparency data

Eighth meeting of the Specialised Committee on Fisheries on 23 May 2024 – agenda

Updated 17 September 2024

Date: 23 May 2024

Time: 1pm to 4pm BST, 2pm to 5pm CEST

Venue: hybrid – Brussels and video-conference


1. Opening of the Specialised Committee and adoption of the agenda.

2. Fisheries management and conservation:

a. Update on fisheries management and control measures:

i. MPAs and HPMAs.
ii. Update on joint recommendations.
iii. Fisheries management plans.

b. Pollack commercial and recreational.
c. Celtic Sea and Irish Sea technical measures.
d. Skates and rays.
e. Spurdog.
f. Small-eyed ray.

3. Fishing opportunities, including scientific coordination:

a. EU-UK annual consultations for 2024 – recap.
b. Guidelines for setting TACs for Special Stocks.
c. Roundnose grenadier and black scabbardfish methodologies.
d. Interannual flexibilities.
e. Updates on ICES requests:

i. Skates and rays.
ii. Irish Sea sole benchmark.
iii. Horse mackerel benchmark.
iv. Seabass allocation tool.

4. Non-quota stocks:

a. Multi-year strategy for Channel king scallops.
b. Seabass shore-netting.

5. Control and enforcement, data exchange:

a. Cooperation on control: arrangements on monitoring, enforcement and surveillance. b. Data and information exchanges in UN/FLUX.

6. AOB.

7. Closure.