Transparency data

Ninth meeting of the Specialised Committee on Fisheries on 24 September 2024 – agenda

Updated 17 September 2024

Date: 24 September 2024

Time: 1pm to 4pm BST, 2pm to 5pm CEST

Venue: hybrid – London and video-conference


1. Opening of the Specialised Committee and adoption of the agenda.

2. Fisheries management and conservation:

a. Update on fisheries management and control measures.

i. MPAs and HPMAs.
ii. Fisheries Management Plans.

b. Pollack commercial and recreational.
c. Celtic and Irish Sea technical measures.
d. Skates and rays.
e. Small-eyed ray.
f. Spurdog.
g. Mixed fish.

3. Fishing opportunities, including scientific coordination:

a. Guidelines for setting provisional TACs for Special Stocks.
b. Interannual flexibilities.
c. Footnote flexibilities.
d. Sole 7hjk.
e. Tusk.
f. TAC deductions.

4. Non-quota stocks:

a. Multi-year strategy for Channel king scallops.
b. Seabass shore-netting and seabass allocation tool.

5. Control and enforcement, data exchange:

a. Cooperation on control: Arrangements on monitoring, enforcement, and surveillance.

6. Any Other Business (AOB).

a. Post-2026.

7. Closure.