SR2012 No 14: metal recycling, vehicle storage, depollution and dismantling facility (existing permits)
These rules will allow the operator to operate a metal recycling site and a vehicle depollution and dismantling facility at a specified location.
Applies to England
These rules will allow the operator to operate a metal recycling site and a vehicle depollution and dismantling (authorised treatment) facility at a specified location. They will permit the sorting, separation, grading, shearing, baling, compacting, granulating of cables and cutting using hand-held equipment only, of ferrous metals or alloys and non-ferrous metals for recovery as well as the recovery (including storage) of all waste motor vehicles.
Updates to this page
We have made the following changes to the standard rules set; The addition of conditions to allow catalytic converters from third parties to be accepted and stored, we have removed waste codes, added conditions around the storage of batteries and reduced the tonnage of ELV and other wastes.
We have updated the interpretation section 4.4 of the standard rule with a revised definition for the term ‘European Site’
We have added text to clarify the status of the new and amended rules sets following consultation No 12 and re-instated the existing rules sets that continue to apply until 1 March 2016.
Standard rules updated 1 December 2015.
First published.