SR2015 No 13: 25kte vehicle storage depollution and dismantling (authorised treatment) facility
Standard rules SR2015 No 13: 25kte vehicle storage depollution and dismantling (authorised treatment) facility.
Applies to England
These standard rules allow you to operate a vehicle depollution and dismantling facility at a specified location, provided that the permitted activities are not carried out within 200 metres of a:
- European Site
- Ramsar Site
- Site of Special Scientific Interest
The activities must not be carried out within:
- a groundwater source protection zone 1
- 50 metres of any well, spring or borehole used for the supply of water for human consumption, including private water supplies
Apply online
The Environment Agency is testing a new online service for permit applications in England. You can sign up to use the new service and give feedback.
Updates to this page
Added that the Environment Agency is testing a new online service for permit applications in England. Added a link so you can sign up to use the new service and give feedback.
The title of the revised rule set has been updated to state 25kte because the annual tonnage limit has been reduced to less than 25,000 tonnes a year.
We have made the following changes to the standard rules set; The addition of conditions to allow catalytic converters from third parties to be accepted and stored, we have removed waste codes, added conditions around the storage of batteries and reduced the tonnage of ELV and other wastes.
We have updated the interpretation section 4.4 of the standard rule with a revised definition for the term ‘European Site’
Added to 'details' section: You can apply online for most standard rules environmental permits.
First published.