SR2020 No 1: generic risk assessment for storage of PAS 107 certified clean cut tyre shred and chip at a port
Published 16 November 2020
Applies to England
The Environment Agency produces the generic risk assessments for all standard rules permits. These list the potential risks and how to manage them.
Check this generic risk assessment to understand:
- the potential risks of storing PAS 107 tyre shred and chip at a port
- if your proposed activity has the same risks and you can apply for the standard rules permit
- how to manage the risks effectively
Each risk comprises:
- information about the source, pathway and receptor – and the potential harm to that receptor
- a judgement of the level of risk and justification of that judgement
- actions for managing the risk (through permitting) and a residual risk rating after managing it
Risk management involves breaking or limiting the source-pathway-receptor linkage to reduce the risk. If we set minimum distances we explain the basis of the distance, for example by modelling.
We will control the residual risk (after risk management) when we assess compliance.
If you need to check the meaning of any terms we have used (in the context of this risk assessment), see the explanation of terms.
1. Risks to people living in close proximity to the site
1.1 Dust
Dust travels through the air. We have assessed the potential harm as follows:
- general worsening of air quality
- nuisance and harm to human health
- loss of amenity
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as low
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- the waste type is limited to tyre shred and chip only (between 10mm and 300mm)
- only storage is allowed, no treatment
- waste loads entering and leaving the site must be sheeted or enclosed
To manage the risk we may require an emissions management plan. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
1.2 Odour
Odour travels through the air. We have assessed the potential harm as follows:
- nuisance
- loss of amenity
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as very low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as low
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because the waste type is:
- limited to tyre shred and chip only (between 10mm and 300mm)
- unlikely to be odorous
To manage the risk we may require an odour management plan. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
1.3 Noise and vibration
Noise and vibration travels through the air. We have assessed the potential harm as follows:
- nuisance
- loss of amenity
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as low
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- the waste type is limited to tyre shred and chip only (between 10mm and 300mm)
- only storage is allowed, no treatment
To manage the risk we may require a noise and vibration management plan. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
1.4 Litter
Litter travels through the air. We have assessed the potential harm as follows:
- nuisance
- loss of amenity
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as very low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as low
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- the waste type is limited to tyre shred and chip only (between 10mm and 300mm)
- only storage is allowed, no treatment
- the activity is unlikely to generate windblown waste
To manage the risk we may require an emissions management plan. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
1.5 Waste, litter and mud on local roads
Vehicle movements can cause waste, litter and mud on local roads. We have assessed the potential harm as follows:
- nuisance
- loss of amenity
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as very low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as low
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- the waste type is limited to tyre shred and chip only (between 10mm and 300mm)
- the activity is unlikely to cause mud
- lorries should arrive and leave with sheeted loads
To manage the risk we may require an emissions management plan. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
1.6 Pests like flies or scavengers
Pests like flies or scavengers can travel through the air or over land. We have assessed the potential harm as follows:
- nuisance
- loss of amenity
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as very low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as low
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- the waste type is limited to tyre shred and chip only (between 10mm and 300mm)
- the activity is unlikely to attract pests
To manage the risk we may require management system improvements. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
1.7 Flooding of the site
Flood waters can flood the site.
We have assessed the potential harm as follows:
- waste could contaminate neighbouring and downstream premises
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as medium
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- we have set a limit to the maximum quantity of waste allowed on site
To manage the risk we may require management system improvements. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
2. Risks to local human population and local environment
2.1 Fire by arson or vandalism
Fire can cause smoke to travel through the air and contaminated water to run-off over land.
We have assessed the potential harm of smoke as follows:
- respiratory irritation, illness and nuisance
- injury to staff or fire fighters
- impact on air quality
Contaminated run-off could cause:
- pollution of the ground
- pollution of groundwater and surface water
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as medium
- overall risk rating as medium
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- the storage location is limited to ports
- the risk of unauthorised access and arson is low
- all waste must be kept secure
- there is a requirement for staff to intervene on site within 30 minutes of a fire being detected
- there is a limit to maximum quantity of waste on site
- there is a requirement for an impermeable surface and a sealed drainage system
To manage the risk we may request fire prevention plan improvements. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
2.2 Serious fire by spontaneous combustion of waste
Fire can cause smoke to travel through the air and contaminated water to run-off over land.
We have assessed the potential harm as follows:
- nuisance
- harm to human health
- loss of amenity
- deterioration of water quality
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as high
- overall risk rating as medium
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- storage is limited to PAS 107 certified clean cut tyre shred and chip
- certification is by a third party and is independent of the company
- exposed wire is incidental
- exposed textiles is less than 5%
- the risk of contamination is low
- the risk of self-combustion is low
- stack temperature monitoring is required
To manage the risk we may request fire prevention plan improvements. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
3. Risk to surface waters
These risks relate to surface waters close to and downstream of the site.
3.1 Liquid spills and contaminated rainwater run-off
This risk could cause water quality to deteriorate through:
- run-off from the site across the ground
- surface water drains and ditches
- run-off through the soil
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as low
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- the waste type is limited to tyre shred and chip only
- only storage is allowed, no treatment
- there is a requirement for an impermeable surface with a sealed drainage system to prevent contaminated run-off – includes firewater
To manage the risk we may require an emissions management plan. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
4. Risk to groundwater from liquid spills and contaminated rainwater run-off
Liquid spills and contaminated rainwater run-off can travel through soil and groundwater. The water could then be abstracted from a borehole.
We have assessed the potential harm as follows:
- contamination of public or private water supplies – this would require treating the water or closing the borehole
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as low
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- the waste type is limited to PAS 107 certified clean cut tyre shred and chip
- only storage is allowed, no treatment
- we require an impermeable surface with a sealed drainage system - to prevent contaminated run-off
- sites cannot be located within SPZ1 or within 50 metres of wells or boreholes
To manage the risk we may require an emissions management plan. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
5. Risk to protected sites
Protected sites include:
- National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- Marine Conservation Zones
- Sites of Special Scientific Interest
- Special Areas of Conservation
- Special Protection Areas
- Ramsar wetland sites
There can be a risk to protected sites from any source and by any pathway.
We have assessed the potential harm to protected sites, they include (but are not limited to) the following:
- toxic contamination
- nutrient enrichment
- smothering
- disturbance
- predation
We have judged the:
- likelihood of the hazard affecting the receptor as low
- the overall severity of potential consequences as low
- overall risk rating as low
The reasons for giving the activity this rating is because:
- the permit’s exclusion distances do not allow sites within a minimum distance of these receptors
- dust and drainage controls are required as set out in other risks
To manage the risk we may require an emissions management plan. Taking this action will control the risk and rate it as ‘low’.
6. Explanation of terms
6.1 Receptor
The things at risk and that need protecting.
Receptors considered include: atmosphere, land, surface waters, groundwater, humans, wildlife and their habitats.
A single receptor may be at risk from several different sources and all must be addressed.
6.2 Source
The agent or process that has the potential to cause harm.
A contaminant or pollutant (a hazard) that has the potential to cause harm. For example, the activity or operation taking place for which a particular hazard may arise.
6.3 Harm
The harmful consequence to the receptor if the hazard is realised.
6.4 Pathways
The route or means by which a defined hazard may affect a receptor.
6.5 Source-pathway-receptor linkage
There has to be a link between the source, pathway and receptor for there to be a risk.
6.6 Likelihood of exposure
This is the likelihood of the receptors being exposed to the hazard. The meaning of the definitions are:
- high – exposure is probable – direct exposure is likely with no or few barriers between the hazard source and the receptor
- medium – exposure is fairly probable - feasible exposure is possible as the barriers to exposure are less controllable
- low – exposure is unlikely – several barriers exist between the hazard source and receptor to reduce exposure
- very low – exposure is very unlikely – effective, multiple barriers are in place to reduce exposure
6.7 Overall magnitude of potential consequence
This is the severity of the consequence if the hazard is realised and may cause actual or potential harm.
This will have a high, medium, low or very low rating using attributes and scaling to consider ‘harm’.
6.8 Risk rating
We work out the risk rating by combining the likelihood of exposure with the magnitude of the potential consequences.
We assign these ratings:
- high risk – requires additional assessment and active management
- medium risk – requires additional assessment and may need active management and, or monitoring (or both)
- low and very low risks will require a periodic review