SR2021 No 12: Vehicle storage, depollution and dismantling (authorised treatment) facility
For operators of a vehicle storage, depollution and dismantling (authorised treatment) facility accepting no more than 750 tonnes of waste vehicles a year.
Applies to England
You can apply for this standard rules permit if:
- your activity meets the rules set out in the permit
- you can manage the potential risks as set out in the generic risk assessment
In the permit:
- schedule 1 lists the permitted waste types
- schedule 2 sets out the requirements for site plans and maps – we have provided additional guidance on what we expect these plans to cover
- schedule 3 sets out the fire prevention plan
The charges for applying for this standard rules permit are:
- £2,641 for a new standard rules permit application
- £792 for a minor variation to the permit
- £2,529 to transfer the permit
- £1,585 to surrender the permit
There is also an annual subsistence charge of £971 for the standard rules permit.
You can get advice before you apply for a permit.
Apply online
The Environment Agency is testing a new online service for permit applications in England. You can sign up to use the new service and give feedback.
Updates to this page
Added that the Environment Agency is testing a new online service for permit applications in England. Added a link so you can sign up to use the new service and give feedback.
Added charges information under 'Details' section.
First published.