SR2021 No 8: on-farm anaerobic digestion facility using farm wastes only, including use of the resultant biogas – installations
For a Part A installation with an anaerobic digestion capacity of over 100 tonnes of waste, or a combination of waste and non-waste each day and accepting no more than 100,000 tonnes per year.
Applies to England
You can apply for this standard rules permit if:
- your activity meets the rules set out in the permit
- you can manage the potential risks as set out in the generic risk assessment
Updates to this page
In the standard rules permit, changed the text in the introductory note under the minimum distances from sensitive receptors and in condition 2.2 from '250 metres of the nearest sensitive receptor where any processing or storage of digestate fibre is in the open' to '250 metres of the nearest sensitive receptor where any further treatment takes place by composting digestate fibre in the open'.
Corrected an error in the generic risk assessment. Changed Parameter 3 from ‘The maximum quantity of waste received on site each day, including solids and liquids, is 200 tonnes per day.’ to ‘The maximum quantity of waste received each day shall not exceed the designed storage capacity of the site.’
Edit to Appendix A - removal of contact details on form as no longer used.
Added 'or habitats' to the conservation screening distance in the Introductory note and under section 2.2 The site.
Corrected an error under Technique 11 - removed '(a) all waste reception, transfer and pre-treatment shall be carried out in an enclosed building with air extraction and an abatement system' as we should not have included that requirement.
First published.