SR2023 No 1: capture, treatment and storage of biogas from lagoons and tanks
Standard rules to capture, treat and store biogas from lagoons and tanks.
Applies to England
This permit allows a named operator to capture, treat and store biogas from lagoons and tanks providing they can meet the rules.
The charges for applying for this standard rules permit are:
- £2,641 for a new standard rules permit application
- £792 for a minor variation to the permit
- £2,529 to transfer the permit
- £2,356 to surrender the permit
There is also an annual subsistence charge of £1,336 for the standard rules permit.
You can get advice before you apply for a permit.
Check how to apply for a standard rules environmental permit.
Updates to this page
Corrections to 'Details' section: the charge for a standard rules permit application is £2,641, minor variation £792 and annual subsistence £1,336.
Changes refer to standard rules. Introductory note added first bullet ‘receive and store biowastes in an engineered lagoon or tank’. Table 2.1 ‘storage’ added under ‘limits of specified activity’ permitted wastes and ‘storage of raw material and waste generated on site’ removed diesel. Table 2.3 added waste code and description sub-chapters. Section 2.4 Operating techniques: technique 2 clarified (a), technique 9 clarified (b), technique 12 clarified all. Section 3.1 Emissions to air, changed 3.1.1 to 'There shall be no point source emissions to air, water, or land'.
First published.