To provide information about Cloud services and infrastructure: SSAC FOI response
Updated 6 December 2023
Date received: 26 April 2023
Date of response: 4 May 2023
1. Information request
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
The duration of time utilising cloud infrastructure.
The criteria used to choose a cloud provider.
The percentage of infrastructures employing cloud services.
The supplier of cloud infrastructures used. (AWS/Oracle/Azure etc.)
Case studies highlighting the successful implementation of the ‘Cloud-first’ strategy.
The uptime of the cloud infrastructure.
The annual budget over the last five years for IT-managed services
Please provide the percentage spent on cloud-managed services
2. Response
We do not hold the information you have requested.
The Social Security Advisory Committee is a statutory independent non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions.
Our information technology systems and support are arranged by the Department for Work and Pensions.