Corporate report

State of the estate 2014 to 2015

This report assesses the efficiency and sustainability of property in the government's civil estate in the financial year 2014 to 2015.


The State of the Estate in 2014-15


This annual report describes the government’s progress throughout 2014 to 2015 to reduce the size and improve the efficiency of central government property that makes up the civil estate.

This report focuses on 3 areas:

  • the size and cost of the estate
  • efficient use of office space
  • environmental sustainability

The State of the Estate series of reports fulfils the Climate Change Act 2008 requirement to lay before Parliament ‘an assessment of the progress made in the year towards improving the efficiency and contribution to sustainability of buildings that are part of the civil estate’.

The civil estate includes all central government buildings and land, except for:

  • NHS estate
  • Foreign & Commonwealth Office overseas estate
  • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs rural estate
  • Ministry of Defence military estate
Published 3 February 2016