State of UK competition report: commission to the CMA
A commission from government to the Competition and Markets Authority to produce a regular state of competition report.
Update 30.11.20: The CMA has now published its State of UK competition report 2020.
Update: On 20 March 2020, the CMA wrote to BEIS and HM Treasury to inform them that, in light of the coronavirus outbreak and its implications for the CMA’s priorities, the CMA will be postponing this work until later in the year.
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is a non-ministerial department, sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and HM Treasury.
This letter commissions the CMA to produce a regular state of competition report. These reports will set out research and analysis on how well competition is working across the economy.
The terms of reference set out further detail on this commission.
The BEIS research on existing competition indicators (available above), and updated concentration and churn statistics have been published alongside this commission to support the CMA in delivering this work.