STEP Procurement Opportunities
Schedule for STEP procurement
The latest version of the STEP procurement plan has been updated in June 2020.
This version focuses on the opportunities the programme has highest confidence it will present to the supply chain – the ‘probables’ rather than ‘possibles’.
Detailed work plans for 2021-2024 will be developed during the course of 2020/21 and it is highly likely that significant additional opportunities will occur during the current financial year.
As our plans mature, the STEP Programme will publish regular updates. The planned timings for the next updates are:
- October 2020
- January 2021
- April 2021
Updates to this page
Details of the latest plan and the schedule for 2020
New version of the document
Attachment has been overwritten with new file
Updated procurement plan added as an attachment
Attachment updated
Updated attachment
Latest version of the STEP procurement plan uploaded.
Updated plan
First published.