Stopping the start: our new plan to create a smokefree generation
This command paper sets out the proposed actions the government will take to tackle smoking and youth vaping.
See updated funding allocations on the Local stop smoking services and support: additional funding page.
See the Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping consultation.
Smoking is the single most entirely preventable cause of ill health, disability and death in the UK. This publication sets out proposed action the government will take to protect future generations from the harms of smoking, by creating the first smokefree generation.
It also sets out wider measures to support existing smokers to quit smoking, crack down on youth vaping and ensure the law is enforced.
Updates to this page
Added a link to the updated funding allocations on the 'Local stop smoking support and services: additional funding' page.
Added a link to the 'Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping' consultation.
Added HTML versions of the command paper and annexes.
First published.