Strategic framework and policy statement on improving the resilience of critical infrastructure to disruption from natural hazards
This statement establishes a cross-sector programme to improve the resilience of essential services to disruption from natural hazards.
This Strategic Framework and Policy Statement establishes a cross-sector programme to improve the resilience of critical infrastructure and essential services to disruption from natural hazards.
The purpose is to develop a shared, consistent, proportionate and risk-based approach to delivering reductions in vulnerability over a number of years, as envisaged by Sir Michael Pitt in his reports on the floods of summer 2007.
This Framework is primarily directed at central government departments, regulators, relevant public sector bodies and critical infrastructure owners. It describes the policy intent, scope, aims, work streams and timescales of the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Programme.
The Cabinet Office consulted government, regulators, industry and emergency response practitioners on the draft of this framework. A summary of the consultation responses is also available to download.
Published March 2010.