Guidance: how to apply for strike off
Updated 1 May 2024
Apply online
Close your company online to register your application as quickly as possible.
Our online service is quicker to complete - and has inbuilt checks to make sure your application is completed correctly first time.
It’s also cheaper to apply online. It costs £33 and you can pay the fee using a debit or credit card.
Before you apply to strike off your company
You have certain responsibilities to close down your business properly.
The company’s bank account will be frozen from the date of dissolution. Any credit balance in the account and other assets will pass to the Crown - you’ll have to restore the company to get anything back.
It’s taking much longer than usual to process applications to restore a company.
See our guidance on Company strike off, dissolution and restoration.
If you cannot apply online
Only use the paper DS01 form if you cannot close your company online.
It will take much longer to process paper applications sent to us by post - this could delay your company being struck off.
A paper application costs £44 and you can only pay by cheque or postal order.
Paper forms are often rejected
Many paper DS01 forms are returned by Companies House because they’re incorrect - this will delay your application.
Here are the most common reasons for rejecting the paper DS01 form.
Printed name of the signatory is missing
The name of each person signing the form must be printed clearly within the ‘Name’ field in section 3.
Signature date is missing
Each signature must be accompanied by a date within the ’Signature Date’ field in section 3.
Form not signed by majority of directors
A majority of the company’s directors must sign the form DS01 (section 3).
For example, if the company has 2 directors then both must sign. If the company has 3 directors then at least 2 must sign.
Fee not included
A fee of £44 (by cheque or postal order) must be included with the form and made payable to Companies House.
Cheques should not be payable from the account of the company applying for strike-off.
Company name or number incorrect or missing
You must provide the company name and number in full on the form. Both must match the name and number shown on the Companies House register.