Submission of teacher assessed grades, summer 2021: info for teachers
Information for heads of centre, heads of department and teachers on the submission of teacher assessed grades: summer 2021.
Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales
This document provides information for heads of centre, heads of department, subject leads and teachers about how to generate grades in 2021 and the evidence that should be considered.
This information is relevant to all exam centres in England using the following qualifications regulated by Ofqual and offered by AQA, OCR, Pearson, WJEC Eduqas, ASDAN and City & Guilds:
- GCSEs (including short course GCSEs)
- AS and A levels
- Project Qualifications (L1, L2 and EPQ)
- Advanced Extension Awards (AEA) in maths
This information also applies to exam centres in Wales and Northern Ireland who deliver relevant Ofqual-regulated qualifications offered by AQA, OCR, Pearson, WJEC Eduqas, ASDAN and City & Guilds. For all other qualifications, centres should contact the relevant awarding organisation for further information.
Update, 27 April 2021
We added information under the ‘Submitting data and evidence’ heading about what data the exam boards will be asking for.
- Grades can be submitted from 26 May.
- Deadline for submission of data, including grades for the endorsements, is 18 June.
- Every centre will be asked to provide evidence of student work. Exam boards will request evidence for at least 1 A level subject and 2 GCSE subjects (one of which is likely to be either English language or maths).
- All centres will be asked to provide the evidence used to determine the grades for at least 5 students for each of these subjects.
- Exam Boards will let centres know which subjects and students have been selected in the week beginning 21 June.
- Evidence will need to be returned to exam boards within 48 hours of the request.
Updates to this page
A clarification regarding the separate endorsements has been made for GCSE English and GCSE modern foreign languages spoken language, and A level biology, chemistry, physics and geology.
Guidance updated 22 April to include details of the evidence that exam boards will be expecting, and the timescales teachers need to work to.
First published.