
Supported living services during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Guidance for providers of supported living settings.

This publication was withdrawn on

The information in this guidance has been superseded by Infection prevention and control in adult social care: COVID-19 supplement.

Applies to England



This guidance sets out:

  • key messages to assist with planning and preparation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic so that local procedures can be put in place to minimise risk and provide the best possible support to people in supported living settings
  • safe systems of working, including social distancing, respiratory and hand hygiene, and enhanced cleaning
  • how infection prevention and control (IPC), and personal protective equipment (PPE), apply to supported living settings

Updates to this page

Published 6 August 2020
Last updated 4 March 2022
  1. Added easy read version of the guidance.

  2. Updated to reflect changes to self-isolation regulations.

  3. Updated guidance to reflect the latest self-isolation advice for residents, removed lines on vaccination as a condition of deployment.

  4. Updated isolation guidance for supported living workers - those who have tested positive for COVID-19 to end self-isolation after 6 days, following 2 negative lateral flow tests taken 24 hours apart.

  5. Updated guidance for staff members in health and social care settings who have developed COVID-19 symptoms, or tested positive on a lateral flow or PCR test.

  6. Updated to reflect that a confirmatory PCR test following a positive lateral flow result is not required.

  7. Updated to reflect changes to self-isolation advice for people who have received a positive COVID-19 test result; advice for staff and residents who are identified as a suspected or confirmed case of the Omicron variant of COVID-19; and for international travel guidance.

  8. Updated 'COVID:19: guidance for supported living' throughout in line with the latest clinical advice from UKHSA. Please refer to the summary change note in the guidance for a full breakdown of all updates.

  9. Updated 'guidance for supported living' to reflect the change in guidance on 16 August that you no longer have to self-isolate after confirmed close contact with a positive case of COVID-19 if you are fully vaccinated or under 18.

  10. Temporarily removed the easy read version while it's being updated.

  11. Updated 'COVID-19: guidance for supported living' to clarify the policy on limiting close contact and visiting in and out of supported living settings.

  12. A substantive update which aligns guidance with other policy, including testing, infection prevention and control. Also includes additional information about visiting for individuals living in supported living, in line with national restrictions.

  13. Updated to add a call-out about the new COVID-19 variant of concern.

  14. Updated 'COVID-19: guidance for supported living' to reflect the availability of self-testing for visitors.

  15. Updated 'COVID-19: guidance for supported living' to replace the 'Visitors and support bubbles' section with the new 'Visits in and out of supported living settings' section.

  16. Added a new document: 'Working with people in supported living this winter'.

  17. Updated to reflect that if you have had close contact with someone who has COVID-19, you must self-isolate for 10 days. For people in supported living arrangements, this 10-day period should increase to 14 days based on a risk assessment if the setting is considered high risk.

  18. Updated guidance to reference the new national lockdown.

  19. This guidance has now been amended in line with updated advice on local restriction tiers and required isolation periods.

  20. Updated to reflect that the 14-day isolation period is now 10 days.

  21. Added easy read version of the guidance.

  22. Added note that this guidance will be updated soon and directed users to guidance updated due to the 2 December tier system.

  23. Added note that this guidance will be updated soon and directed users to guidance updated due to the 5 November national lockdown.

  24. Added COVID-19: guidance for supported living: easy read.

  25. Added COVID-19: guidance for supported living: easy read.

  26. First published.

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