Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme: expanded offer for 2024
Get paid to manage land sustainably to benefit the environment and support food production: find out if your land is eligible, select and apply for SFI actions.
Applies to England
The Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme: expanded offer is currently closed to new applications.
Use this guidance to find out:
- if you and your land are eligible for an SFI agreement
- which SFI actions your land is eligible for
- how to apply
- how much and when you’ll get paid
- about the terms and conditions which apply to an SFI agreement
Updates to this page
Published 21 May 2024Last updated 18 February 2025 + show all updates
Removed section 8.6: 'Check your land use is correct' as it was a misleading step in the application process.
Added section 8.6: 'Check your land use is correct' as an extra step to carry out before you apply for SFI actions.
Added 14 drafts of new SFI endorsed actions.
You can now apply for SFI 2024 without completing an expression of interest survey. The survey link has been removed from the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) guidance.
Added summary of changes made to SFI actions and scheme information.
SFI limited area actions calculator updated to the latest version. Added list of agreements and applications which need to be included in the calculator.
Action GRH6: Manage priority habitat species-rich grassland (endorsed) is now available for applications.
Version 1.2: SFI scheme information Changes we've made: * Section 1 (about the Sustainable Farming Incentive) to clarify that this SFI scheme information applies to expanded SFI offer agreements . * Section 1.2 (SFI actions which require endorsement) to add further information about endorsed SFI actions and getting endorsement. * Section 1.3 (SFI actions with a limited area) to add SFI 2023 action codes and how the 25% limit applies across multiple SFI agreements applied for on or after 26 March 2024. * Added new section 1.6 (supplemental SFI actions). * Section 2 (when and how much you’ll get paid) to clarify that you do not have to submit an annual claim for SFI. * Section 5.1 (eligible land types for SFI) to add definitions for semi-improved and unimproved low input grassland. * Updated wording in section 5.7 (land that’s conditionally exempt from Inheritance Tax). * Updated land types and areas of interest in section 7 (search for actions using the ‘find funding tool’). * Section 9 (how to apply online) to clarify that you can apply for another SFI agreement once you’ve submitted your first application. * Updated section 10.3 (SSSI consent) to add information on getting SSSI consent to do the SFI actions for moorland and CLIG3. * Added new section 10.8 (forestry environmental impact assessments) Updated section 11.1 (what you’re agreeing to do) to reflect what’s in the SFI agreement terms and conditions. * Updated annex B (summary of the initial expanded SFI offer from summer 2024) to reflect that GRH6 (manage priority habitat species-rich grassland) is available for applications, the duration for supplemental actions and payment rate for OFA3 (£935 per tonne). * Added new annex C (summary of base and supplemental actions). * Previous annex C (land covers the RPA registers and compatible land use codes) is now annex D. * Added a 'how to apply' video.
Publication of updated SFI agreement terms and conditions and SFI scheme information as you’ll apply for a separate SFI agreement for more SFI actions and land. In the terms and conditions, updates made to condition 2.4 (Agreement Period), condition 3.2 (Management Control for the duration of the Agreement or until the Action End Date), condition 6.1 (Adding Actions or land to SFI), condition 6.2 (Adding land to Rotational Actions in the Agreement), and condition 9.5 (SFI Management Payment). In the SFI scheme information, updates made to section 11.2 (agreement start and end date), section 12.2 (add actions or land to your agreement) and section 12.4 (what happens if you transfer land in your agreement to another person).
SFI limited area actions calculator is now available.
Action OFA3: Supplementary winter bird food (organic land) has been amended to £935 per tonne. Swapped codes WBD1 and WBD2. WBD1 is now 'Manage ponds' and WBD2 is now 'Manage ditches'.
Added a link to the expression of interest to apply early for the expanded offer for 2024.
Print version of SFI actions for the expanded offer for summer 2024 added to documents.
First published.