Syndromic surveillance summary: 18 November 2021 week 45
Updated 6 January 2022
Reporting week: 8 November to 14 November 2021
During week 45, there were national increases in selected acute respiratory infection type indicators, in the GP out-of-hours, remote health advice and emergency department syndromic surveillance systems, particularly in children under 15 years.
Remote health advice syndromic surveillance system
During week 45, there were small increases in a number of indicators including fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, particularly in children aged less than 15 years.
GP in hours syndromic surveillance system
During week 45, GP consultation rates for conjunctivitis increased, particularly in children aged 1 to 4 years. Respiratory consultations remained stable.
GP out of hours syndromic surveillance system
During week 45, GP out-of-hours contacts for acute respiratory infections increased and are at seasonally expected levels.
Emergency department (ED) syndromic surveillance system
During week 45, ED attendances for acute respiratory infections increased, particularly in children 1-14 years and are slightly higher than seasonally expected levels. COVID-19-like attendances continued to decrease nationally.
Ambulance syndromic surveillance system
During week 45, ambulance call-outs for all syndromic indicators decreased or remained stable nationally.