Syndromic surveillance summary: 4 November 2021 week 43
Updated 6 January 2022
Reporting week: 25 October to 31 October 2021
During week 43, respiratory indicators continued to decrease nationally across all systems. However, increases were again noted in respiratory indicators in adults aged 45 years and over.
Remote health advice syndromic surveillance system
During week 43, NHS 111 calls for respiratory indicators decreased, although NHS 111 calls for cough increased for adults over 45 years and calls for ‘potential COVID-19’ increased for adults over 65 years. NHS 111 calls and online assessments for difficulty breathing increased in adults over 65 years.
GP in hours syndromic surveillance system
During week 43, GP consultation rates for upper and lower respiratory tract infections were stable overall, but decreased in children and remained elevated in adults aged 45 years and over. Asthma consultations increased in adults aged 45 years and over.
GP out of hours syndromic surveillance system
During week 43, GP out-of-hours contacts for acute respiratory infections continued to decrease nationally, particularly in children, however there were increases noted in adults aged 65 years and over.
Emergency department (ED) syndromic surveillance system
During week 43, total ED attendances continued to decrease, however, there were increases in acute respiratory infections and ‘potential COVID-19’ attendances in adults aged 45 years and over.
Ambulance syndromic surveillance system
Please note: nationally, ambulance trusts are no longer using the ‘pandemic’ triage card for assessing COVID-19 patients. The associated syndromic chart has therefore been removed from this report. Please also note that other syndromic indicators (for example difficulty breathing) may have increased as a result of this change and should therefore be interpreted with caution.
During week 43, calls for ‘overdose, ingestion or poisoning’ increased on 31 October.