Syndromic surveillance summary: 9 January 2025 week 1
Updated 27 March 2025
Reporting week 1: 30 December to 5 January
During week 1, emergency department attendances for acute respiratory infections (ARI) and influenza-like illness (ILI) decreased overall. However, there were further increases reported in GP in-hours ILI and lower respiratory tract infection consultations in age groups 15 years and over. NHS 111 ARI calls were stable overall but with increases in age groups 15 years and over. COVID-19-like indicators remained stable and at low levels. Impact of cold indicators increased in line with an Amber Cold Weather Alert that was in place over England during week 1.
Remote health advice syndromic surveillance system
During week 1, NHS 111 triaged calls and online assessments for acute respiratory infections remained stable overall, however activity continued to increase in age groups 15 years and over and in particular the 65 years and over group. Calls for vomiting decreased, following expected seasonal trends, but levels remained higher than expected for the time of year.
Access the remote health advice syndromic surveillance bulletins
GP in hours syndromic surveillance system
During week 1, GP in-hours consultation rates for upper respiratory tract infections decreased overall, however rates increased in age groups 15 years and over. Influenza-like illness and lower respiratory tract infections continued to increase nationally and most notably in age groups 15 years and over. Acute bronchitis consultations increased in the 45 years and above age groups. COVID-19-like consultations remained stable and at low levels across all age groups and in all regions.
Access the GP in hours syndromic surveillance bulletins
GP out-of-hours syndromic surveillance system
During week 1, GP out-of-hours contacts for acute respiratory infections remained stable overall, but increases were observed in age groups 15 years and over. Contacts for influenza-like illness decreased overall and across most age groups. Difficulty breathing/wheeze/asthma contacts increased in the 65 years and over age group.
Access the GP out-of-hours syndromic surveillance bulletins
Emergency department syndromic surveillance system
During week 1, emergency department (ED) attendances for acute respiratory infections decreased across all age groups and regions, however attendances remained above baseline. Attendances for influenza-like illness (ILI) also decreased nationally, however ILI activity in the 15 to 44 years age group and London, South East and South West regions ILI activity remained stable rather than decreasing. COVID-19-like attendances remained stable and at low levels. Impact of cold attendances increased during week 1 in line with an Amber Cold Weather Alert that was in place over England, peaking on 2 to 3 January before returning to expected levels. There was a spike in acute alcohol intoxication attendances on 1 January, however activity then returned to expected levels.
Access the emergency department syndromic surveillance bulletins
Ambulance syndromic surveillance system
During week 1, ambulance calls for difficulty breathing remained stable overall, but were above expected seasonal levels. ‘Impact of heat or cold’ calls increased in line with an Amber Cold Weather Alert that was in place over England during the reporting week.