T Levels capital fund
Information about the fund and how to apply.
Applies to England
The building and facilities improvement grant is currently closed for applications.
The T Levels capital fund is available to support eligible further education providers offering T Levels from September 2024.
There are 2 parts to the fund:
- the building and facilities improvement grant, which providers need to bid for
- the specialist equipment allocation, which is awarded using a formula allocation
The T Levels capital fund guidance explains how to apply for the building and facilities improvement grant to support T Level delivery for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.
Providers from earlier waves will be able to bid for funding to support the delivery of the new T Level routes, or existing routes for which they have not previously received capital funding.
The guidance on the specialist equipment allocation explains what it can be used for and when we’ll allocate the funding.
Updates to this page
Updated 'Specialist equipment allocation (SEA)' to include information on wave 6 allocations.
Updated 'Specialist equipment allocation' to include information on wave 5 allocations and registration for wave 6. Added information about recent changes to hair, barbering and beauty therapy and also updated details to confirm that the building and facilities improvement grant has been allocated.
Removed information on registering for delivery from 2024 from the 'Eligibility' section of ‘Specialist equipment allocation (SEA)’, as registration has now closed.
'Specialist equipment allocation (SEA)' updated as grant allocation letters have been issued.
Updated 'Specialist equipment allocation' to include information on wave 4 allocations. Also updated the page details to confirm that the building and facilities improvement grant is currently closed for applications.
'T Levels capital fund guidance' has been updated for wave 5. You have until midday on 3 February 2023 to apply for the building and facilities improvement grant. We've also updated the specialist equipment allocation guidance to include the eligibility for wave 5, add examples of eligible equipment and to update the details on when we'll reclaim funding.
‘Eligibility for SEA’ in the 'Specialist equipment allocation (SEA)' guidance has been updated to show who is eligible for wave 4 SEA funding.
We have added additional information on T Levels capital fund wave 4.
Clarified the wording in 'Specialist equipment allocation (SEA)' on match funding, wave 4 and when we'll reclaim funding, and added examples of equipment previously purchased using SEA.
Updated section 5.1.6 of 'T Levels capital fund guidance' to clarify details of guidance for sixth form colleges.
Updated the T Levels capital fund and Specialist equipment allocation (SEA) guidance.
Removed T Levels application form, T Levels capital fund monthly cash flow template, T Levels investment appraisal form, T Levels capital fund financial plan for academy trusts, T Levels capital financial forecast template and Space needs assessment tools.
Updated with a link to wave 3 successful applicants.
Guidance updated to show deadline has been extended from 26 March to 28 March 2021.
Updated section 5.3.3 on Sustainability to clarify the information applicants are required to submit and to clarify the resources available for consultation.
Added a new version of the ‘T levels investment appraisal form’. Changed name of ‘T Levels capital fund investment appraisal file to ‘T levels capital financial forecast template’ - the contents of the file have not changed.
Updated 'T Levels capital fund application form': 'Tab 7 Estates and Projects - 2' amended in response to feedback to improve clarity and make it easier for applicants to complete.
Updated guidance for 2022 providers.
Update to timing of grant allocation in the 'Specialist equipment allocation (SEA)' guidance.
Added an updated version of the 'T Levels capital fund guidance'.
Added a note about how coronavirus (COVID-19) will affect wave 1 and wave 2 delivery.
Updated 'T Levels capital fund application form' and 'T Levels capital fund financial plan for academy trusts'.
Updated guidance and application forms to apply for a building and facilities improvement grant for the academic year 2021 to 2022.
Amended opening sentences of document 'Specialist equipment allocation (SEA)' for clarity.
First published.