Corporate report

Tackling alcohol smuggling: outputs – April 2018 to April 2024

Updated 26 September 2024

Tackling alcohol fraud is an HMRC priority. The HMRC Alcohol Strategy was launched in April 2010 and refreshed in 2016.

Our aims for alcohol, working with other enforcement agencies and the alcohol industry, are to:

  • promote good compliance - making it easier for businesses to pay the right duties
  • prevent tax losses - making it harder to make mistakes or to deliberately cheat, including addressing regime vulnerabilities, and exploring technology solutions to prevent fraud
  • respond to those who cheat - increasing the impact of enforcement

The tax gap is the difference between the amount of tax that should, in theory, be paid to HMRC, and what is actually paid. You can read about the tax gap for alcohol in 2022 to 2023

1. Alcohol inland seizures

April 2018 to March 2019

Volume (Litres) Duty (£)
Beer 1,214,185 1,153,476
Spirits 50,312 672,168
Wine 355,947 1,231,577
Total 1,620,444 3,057,221

April 2019 to March 2020

Volume (Litres) Duty (£)
Beer 844,944 802,697
Spirits 41,106 549,180
Wine 262,181 935,988
Total 1,148,232 2,287,865

April 2020 to March 2021

Volume (Litres) Duty (£)
Beer 102,923 97,777
Spirits 174,213 2,327,486
Wine 11,270 40,234
Total 288,406 2,465,496

April 2021 to March 2022

Volume (Litres) Duty (£)
Beer 759,699 721,714
Spirits 25,772 344,314
Wine 205,421 733,353
Total 990,892 1,799,381

April 2022 to March 2023

Volume (Litres) Duty (£)
Beer 925,709 879,423
Spirits 128,930 1,722,504
Wine 109,691 392,560
Total 1,164,600 2,994,489

April 2023 to March 2024

Volume (Litres) Duty (£)
Beer 843,759 801,571
Spirits 32,185 420,991
Wine 87,885 313,749
Total 963,829 1,536,310

2. Criminal enforcement

Financial year Number of arrests Number of convictions
2018 – 2019 8 8
2019 – 2020 12 9
2020 – 2021 0 0
2021 – 2022 16 3
2022 – 2023 2 8
2023 – 2024 1 2

3. Alcohol Wholesalers Registration Scheme (AWRS)

Date Received Approved
2018 – 2019 1,632 1,114
2019 – 2020 1,589 1,195
2020 – 2021 1,902 1,336
2021 – 2022 1,751 1,392
2022 – 2023 1,409 1,022
2023 – 2024 1,372 1,203

Current trader population: 10,233

Help HMRC tackle alcohol fraud

To report any kind of fraud, smuggling or tax evasion you can contact HMRC with the information, in confidence.

Next update

These figures will be refreshed again in September 2025.