Policy paper

Annex B: Data on cross government funding to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls 2011/12 to 2021/22

Updated 18 November 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

As part of the work on the recently published Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy, the Home Office conducted high-level analysis of previous cross-government funding allocated in England and Wales to tackle this problem. Financial year 2011/12 was elected to be the starting point of the exercise as aligning to the 2010-2015 Coalition Government Policy Paper on Violence Against Women and Girls.

This work highlighted that, “cross-Government funding for action to tackle violence against women and girls has more than trebled in relation to any other two-year period”[footnote 1] preceding 2019/2020.

Cross-government funding on Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

Below table details high-level cross government funding by-year (in nominal and real terms), with publicly available sources underpinning the figures. The following caveats should be noted:

  • The below figures may not capture all published and non-published funding allocations at national and /or local level and, therefore, it is not exhaustive. The exercise was conducted in a timeframe proportionate to the requirements for publishing the national strategy for an area of vital importance to this government.

  • The funding has been allocated in financial years as stated in announcements. Where not stated, funding has been allocated in the financial year closest to month of announcement.

  • The figures draw upon public announcements of funding allocated to tackling VAWG. In some cases, this may include new funding and/or existing multi-year funding.

  • Where the Government committed to multi-year funding, we have assumed flat funding over the relevant years, with an annual average figure used in each of the specific years other than where officials from other government departments have provided actuals.

  • The geographical coverage of the announcements may also differ, with some measures covering England and Wales and others applying to the UK.

Financial year Methodology Total (£m) per annum – not adjusted for inflation Total (£m) per annum – real (2021/22 prices) *
2011/12 £40m committed for specialist local support services and national helplines over 4 years therefore assumed 10m pa[footnote 2] 10.0 12.2
2012/13 £40m committed for specialist local support and national helplines over 4 years therefore assumed £10m pa[footnote 2]

£1.2m committed over 3 years therefore assumed £0.4m pa (Young people’s advocates[footnote 2]
10.4 12.5
2013/14 £40m committed for specialist local support services and national helplines over 4 years therefore assumed £10m pa[footnote 2]

£1.2m committed for young people’s advocates over 3 years therefore assumed £0.4m pa[footnote 2]
10.4 12.2
2014/15 £40m committed for specialist local support services and national helplines over 5 years therefore assumed £10m pa[footnote 2]

£1.2m committed for young people’s advocates over 3 years therefore assumed £0.4m pa[footnote 2]

£10m committed over 2 years by MHCLG (£3m, split provided by officials)[footnote 3]
13.4 15.5
2015/16 £10m committed over 2 years by MHCLG (£7m, split provided by officials)[footnote 3]

£3.5m: MHCLG funding for accommodation-based support services[footnote 3]

£7 million package of investment to the end of the 2015/16[footnote 4]
17.5 20.1
2016/17 £80m committed over 4 years therefore assumed £20m pa[footnote 5]

£20m committed over 2 years by MHCLG (£4.3m, split provided by officials)[footnote 3]
24.3 27.3
2017/18 £80m committed over 4 years therefore assumed £20m pa[footnote 5]

£20m committed over 2 years by MHCLG (£15.7m, split provided by officials)[footnote 3]

£17m from VAWG Transformation Fund committed over 3 years therefore assumed £5.7m pa[footnote 6]
41.4 45.8
2018/19 £80m committed over 4 years therefore assumed £20m pa[footnote 5]

£22m committed over 2 years by MHCLG (£9.9m, split provided by officials)[footnote 3]

£17m from VAWG Transformation Fund committed over 3 years therefore assumed £5.7m pa[footnote 7]

£7.2m: MoJ[footnote 7]
42.8 46.4
2019/20 £80m for services and frontline work committed over 4 years therefore assumed £20m pa[footnote 5]

£22m committed for accommodation-based support services over 2 years by MHCLG (£12.1m, split provided by officials)[footnote 3]

£17m from VAWG Transformation Fund committed over 3 years therefore assumed £5.7m pa[footnote 6]

£24m committed over 3 years by MoJ, therefore assumed £8m pa[footnote 7]
45.8 48.5
2020/21 £41m Financial support for VAWG (inc DA) voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations[footnote 8]

£16.6m: MHCLG[footnote 3]

£24m committed over 3 years by MoJ, therefore assumed £8m pa[footnote 7]

£7m: MoJ[footnote 9]
72.6 72.1
2021/22 £43m for a suite of VAWG measures, including VAWG Strategy implementation[footnote 10]

£51m to increase support for rape and domestic abuse victims[footnote 11]

£125m New Burden funding for LAs in respect of DA accommodation[footnote 12]

£24m committed over 3 years by MoJ, therefore assumed £8m pa[footnote 7]
227.0 227.0


* Total (£m) per annum – real (2021/22 prices)[footnote 13]


  1. Tackling violence against women and girls strategy (publishing.service.gov.uk) 

  2. 2010 to 2015 government policy: violence against women and girls - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)  2 3 4 5 6 7

  3. Local authority support for victims of domestic abuse and their children within safe accommodation factsheet - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk  2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  4. VAWG_Strategy_FINAL_PUBLICATION_MASTER_vRB.PDF (publishing.service.gov.uk) 

  5. Ending violence against women and girls strategy: 2016 to 2020 (accessible version) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)  2 3 4

  6. Home Secretary awards £17m to tackle violence against women and girls - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)  2

  7. Funding boost for victims of rape and sexual abuse - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)  2 3 4 5

  8. Funding boost for rape and domestic abuse support - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

  9. Emergency funding to support most vulnerable in society during pandemic - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

  10. Tackling violence against women and girls strategy (publishing.service.gov.uk) 

  11. Letter from Home Secretary and Lord Chancellor following Second Reading - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

  12. £125 million allocated to councils to support domestic abuse victims and their children - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

  13. Calculations using HM Treasury GDP deflator October 2021 (Budget and Spending Review). Published at: National statistics overview: GDP deflators at market prices, and money GDP October 2021 (Budget and Spending Review) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk). Note the GDP deflator is a measure of general inflation in the wider economy and may not account for changes in specific costs incurred by VAWG sector.