
TAG: forthcoming changes

Record of upcoming changes to transport analysis guidance (TAG).



Planned updates to transport analysis guidance (TAG), including details of the guidance being updated and planned dates of release in line with the TAG orderly release process.

TAG provides information on the role of transport modelling and appraisal, and how the transport appraisal process supports the development of investment decisions to support a business case.

Updates to this page

Published 29 November 2018
Last updated 28 November 2024 show all updates
  1. Added 'Forthcoming change: base year update' and 'Forthcoming change: operating cost parameters'.

  2. Added forthcoming change notices about guidance on the appraisal of new modes, wider economic impacts updates, and updates to economic and demographic data and clarified guidance on rail appraisal.

  3. TAG: forthcoming changes updated.

  4. Added 'Forthcoming change: spring 2024 data book and guidance updates' and 'Forthcoming change: modelling guidance updates'.

  5. Added forthcoming changes about appraisal guidance updates and a new TAG unit on spending objective analysis.

  6. Added forthcoming change about carbon valuation.

  7. Added forthcoming change: spring 2023 data book and guidance updates.

  8. Added forthcoming change: accounting for COVID-19 in transport modelling.

  9. Updates to guidance on forecasting and uncertainty.

  10. Expired forthcoming change notes removed.

  11. First published.

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