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Targeted consultations on proposed designated vendor direction and designation notice

Consultation documents relating to targeted consultations on a proposed designated vendor direction and designation notice regarding Huawei.


Final Designation Notice

Final Designated Vendor Direction

Draft Designated Vendor Direction

Draft Designation Notice


This page contains the documents relating to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s targeted consultation with public communications providers who would be subject to a proposed designated vendor direction, and Huawei as the proposed designated vendor.

The Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021 amended the Communications Act 2003, to provide new powers for the Secretary of State to designate specific vendors, and issue directions to public communications providers, in the interests of national security. The directions can place controls on providers’ use of goods, services and facilities supplied by a designated vendor. A targeted consultation has been conducted in accordance with sections 105Z3 and 105Z9 of the Communications Act (as amended by the Telecommunications (Security) Act 2021).

The consultation was on a proposed designation notice relating to Huawei and a proposed designated vendor direction to public telecommunications providers regarding their use of Huawei goods and services.

The consultation response provides the government’s final position on the issuing of a designation notice and direction. Also included on this page are the designation notice issued to Huawei and the designated vendor direction issued to 35 public telecoms providers in relation to the use of Huawei goods and services.

Updates to this page

Published 18 February 2022
Last updated 13 October 2022 show all updates
  1. Added Proposals to issue a designation notice and designated vendor direction for Huawei - government response to consultation, Final Designation Notice and Final Designated Vendor Direction.

  2. First published.

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