Tell HMRC your ATED tax avoidance scheme reference number
Use form AAG4(ATED) to tell HMRC of a scheme reference number given to you for an Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) avoidance scheme you have used.
Use this form if you expect to have an ATED advantage and have received an 8-digit scheme reference number from any of the following:
- a scheme promoter
- a person involved in the supply of the arrangements
- the client of a scheme promoter
You can tell HMRC the scheme reference number by either completing the online or postal version of the form.
Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh (Cymraeg).
Before you start
The postal form is interactive (one that you complete on screen) and you must use Adobe Reader to complete it.
Contact the Online Services Helpdesk if you have problems opening or saving the form.