Research and analysis

Tax Credits: New guidance notes usability testing 3

Usability Testing customer requirements to support In-year Finalisation 2015.


Tax Credits: New guidance notes

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Over the next few years, most Tax Credit customers will start to receive Universal Credit instead of child and working Tax Credits. When a Tax Credit customer has moved over to Universal Credit, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will ask them to end their Tax Credit claim by completing and posting a form or calling a helpline. Tax Credit customers will be required to do this within the current financial year.

Tax Credit customers required to finalise in-year will receive a pack containing an Award Review, Award Declaration and Guidance Notes (TC603URD). If a customer is not required to reply to finalise their claim, they will be sent a shorter version of the Guidance Notes (TC603UR) with the Award Review.

This research study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the TC603URD and the TC603UR Guidance Notes with a range of Tax Credits customers, with a view to ensuring customers are able to complete the process with the minimum of confusion, inaccuracy and low value contact. Specifically, the research aimed to explore:

  • How easy it is to identify relevant sections and understanding of key messages
  • How well the Notes indicate what action to take and how the parts of the pack relate to each other
  • How easy or difficult it is to understand the Notes
  • How to overcome difficulties understanding or areas of confusion

Ipsos MORI conducted 20 depth interviews and one group discussion (with six participants) in London between 19th and 27th March 2015. The depth interviews explored the content of the Notes and the group discussion focused specifically on design. A slightly later version of the TC603URD Notes was tested at the focus group. Participants were recruited to include a cross section of Tax Credits customers.

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Published 28 July 2015

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