Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics information
Guide to taxi and private hire vehicle statistics, source documents and notes and definitions.
Applies to England and Wales
Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics notes and definitions and other source documents.
Please let us know if you require the survey questionnaire in an accessible format.
Updates to this page
Quality report and survey questionnaire updated for the latest report.
The latest taxi and private hire vehicle questionnaire and quality report added for the year 2023.
Quality report and taxi and private hire vehicle survey questionnaire updated for the 2022 annual report.
Quality report 2021 replaces the notes and definitions document of 2020. Taxi survey questionnaire updated for the 2021 annual report.
Taxi survey questionnaire updated and quality report added for the 2020 taxi and private hire vehicle statistics report.
Guidance updated for 'Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics, England: 2019'.
First published.