Teacher misconduct: the prohibition of teachers
Guidance on how professional conduct hearing panels review teacher misconduct.
Applies to England
This is for:
- panel members
- Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) staff
- employers of teachers (including agencies)
- teachers
- panel witnesses
- members of the public
- anyone undertaking teaching work
It applies to:
- local-authority-maintained schools
- free schools and academies
- pupil referral units
- non-maintained special schools
- independent schools
- sixth-form colleges
- youth custody settings
- children’s homes
This guidance includes information on:
- the professional conduct hearing panel’s purpose and procedures
- the panel’s decision-making criteria
- the panel’s recommendations
- interim prohibition orders and prohibition decisions
Pupil referral units provide education for children who can’t go to a mainstream school.
Non-maintained special schools provide education for children with special educational needs that the Secretary of State for Education has approved under section 342 of the Education Act 1996.