Research and analysis

Teachers in secondary schools: evidence from TALIS 2013

The views and practices of lower secondary teachers and their headteachers in England, compared with other countries.

Applies to England


Teachers in England's secondary schools: evidence from TALIS 2013

Teachers in England’s secondary schools: evidence from TALIS 2013 - brief


The teaching and learning international survey (TALIS) 2013 provides information on the views and practices of lower secondary teachers and their headteachers and how these vary across countries.

The survey included over 30 other countries or parts of countries.

The statistical working paper uses evidence from TALIS 2013 to test for and quantify the relationships between different aspects of working conditions in schools, and both teachers’ job satisfaction and desire to move to another school.

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Published 25 June 2014
Last updated 2 November 2017 show all updates
  1. Added 'TALIS 2013: Working Conditions, Teacher Job Satisfaction and Retention: statistical working paper'.

  2. First published.

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