Technical guide to knife and offensive weapon sentencing statistics
Providing more detail on the knife and offensive weapon sentencing statistics presented in the knife and offensive weapon sentencing statistics publications.
Applies to England and Wales
This page provides more detail on the statistics presented in the Knife and Offensive Weapon Sentencing Statistics publications which provide information on knife and offensive weapon offences. Unless the offences are separately specified this includes:
- Possession of an article with a blade or point in a public place or on school premises.
- Possession of an offensive weapon without lawful authority or reasonable excuse in a public place or on school premises.
- Offences involving threatening with a knife or offensive weapon in a public place or on school premises (introduced on 3rd December 2012 this is an aggravated form of possession offence which occurs when an offender in possession of a knife or offensive weapon uses it to threaten and endanger others).