Technical Standard: Aerodrome Design Standard Visual Aids
This Standard has been prepared to complement and support the provision of aerodrome visual aids required in RA 3500 to RA 3590 titled ‘aerodrome design and safeguarding’ (Issue 2).
This Standard has been prepared by Defence Infrastructure Organisation’s Technical Services, in conjunction with industry, and is provided for the use of all organisations responsible for the provision visual aids at aerodromes regulated by the MAA.
It is provided to support the requirements contained within their regulatory publications and aid compliance, standardisation, and the resilience of the installed systems. The principle users are expected to be those that both instigate and provide new or replacement visual aids including Project Sponsors, Project Managers, Site Managers, Designers, Installers, and those undertaking assurance activities.
Aerodrome visual aid systems comprise of a number of a components that provide sufficient visual cues for the pilot of an aircraft to safely, regularly, and efficiently undertake approaches landings, taxi or take-off and others that use the movement area. This Standard provides technical requirements and guidance on both the general electrical installations and those installations that are specifically provided to support aircraft operations.
Every attempt has been made to support the requirements in the applicable regulatory article. Where the reader considers the requirements within this Standard contradict a regulatory article, they should consult the DIO Technical Authority for assistance and contact details are given in Section 3.