Telematics applications for passengers and freight: implementation plan
Letters about industry plans for complying with technical specification for interoperability for rail telematics applications.
These letters concern the implementation of the technical specification for interoperability (TSI) for rail passengers and freight telematics. They also concern the role that Network Rail has agreed to carry out as part of the review of implementation of this TSI in the UK.
Background to the telematics applications for passenger and freight implementation plan
The technical specification for interoperability (TSI) for telematics applications for passenger and freight concerns electronic messages between infrastructure managers and railway undertakings. The TSI covers issues such as:
- bidding for rail timetable slots
- attribution of responsibility for delays and the availability of rail fares and timetable data
Updates to this page
Additional letters published which were exchanged by Network Rail, ATOC and DfT about the implementation plan.
Removed out-of-date plan and replaced letter with new letter to Network Rail asking them to co-ordinate plan.
First published.